ThriftBooks API

ThriftBooks API

Get publicly accessible information from ThriftBooks using our Scraper API. Retrieve Search Results, Product Information, and URL Extraction.

API description

  • The ThriftBooks API provides developers with access to publicly available data from ThriftBooks, a leading online retailer of new and used books.
  • Utilize our Scraper API to extract various types of information, including search results, detailed product information, and URL extraction for easy integration into your applications.
  • Seamlessly integrate ThriftBooks data into your website, mobile app, or software solution to enhance user experience and provide valuable book-related insights.
  • Access a wealth of information on millions of books available through ThriftBooks, including author details, pricing, and availability.
  • Stay updated with the latest additions and changes to ThriftBooks' inventory by integrating real-time data retrieval capabilities into your application

API Documentation


Get Search Results using Keyword and Filters.


Search By Keyword and Filters - Endpoint Features
Object Description
query [Optional] Search Term. Keep empty to get all.
page [Optional] Page Number.
Test Endpoint


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Search By Keyword and Filters - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Get Book Information from ThriftBooks using ISBN.


Get Book By ISBN - Endpoint Features
Object Description
ISBN [Required] Book ISBN
Test Endpoint


    "Title": "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone",
    "IdWork": 248957,
    "Authors": [
            "AuthorName": "J.K. Rowling",
            "AuthorUrl": "/a/jk-rowling/196363/"
    "ImageUrl": "",
    "Synopsis": "The beloved first book of the Harry Potter series, now fully illustrated by award-winning artist Jim Kay.For the first time, J.K. Rowling's beloved Harry Potter books will be presented in lavishly...",
    "MarketingText": "",
    "ActiveEdition": {
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                "Price": 4.79,
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        "Synopsis": "Harry Potter has never been the star of a Quidditch team, scoring points while riding a broom far above the ground. He knows no spells, has never helped to hatch a dragon, and has never worn a cloak of invisibility.All he knows is a miserable life with the Dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, Dudley - a great big swollen spoiled bully. Harry's room is a tiny closet at the foot of the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday party in eleven years.But all that is about to change when a mysterious letter arrives by owl messenger: a letter with an invitation to an incredible place that Harry - and anyone who reads about him - will find unforgettable.For it's there that he finds not only friends, aerial sports, and magic in everything from classes to meals, but a great destiny that's been waiting for him... if Harry can survive the encounter.",
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            "HeadlineText": "No Dustcover!!! 😑😑",
            "BodyText": "This book was advertised with a dustcover and when I opened the package, there was no dustcover on the book. I am extremely disappointed and angry that I was sent a book without a dustcover. Why would I even want it without the cover?!!?????",
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        "Synopsis": "Harry Potter has never been the star of a Quidditch team, scoring points while riding a broom far above the ground. He knows no spells, has never helped to hatch a dragon, and has never worn a cloak of invisibility.All he knows is a miserable life with the Dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, Dudley - a great big swollen spoiled bully. Harry's room is a tiny closet at the foot of the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday party in eleven years.But all that is about to change when a mysterious letter arrives by owl messenger: a letter with an invitation to an incredible place that Harry - and anyone who reads about him - will find unforgettable.For it's there that he finds not only friends, aerial sports, and magic in everything from classes to meals, but a great destiny that's been waiting for him... if Harry can survive the encounter.",
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curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Extract Data from ThriftBooks URLs.

URLs: Search Result URL, Book Details URL, Category URL...etc.


Extract URL - Endpoint Features
Object Description
url [Required] ThriftBooks URL.
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"Title":"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone","IdWork":248957,"Authors":[{"AuthorName":"J.K. Rowling","AuthorUrl":"/a/jk-rowling/196363/"}],"ImageUrl":"","Synopsis":"The beloved first book of the Harry Potter series, now fully illustrated by award-winning artist Jim Kay.For the first time, J.K. Rowling's beloved Harry Potter books will be presented in lavishly...","MarketingText":"","ActiveEdition":{"Copies":[{"IdIQ":2022311,"IdAmazon":2234083,"Price":4.79,"AvailableQuantity":1,"IsExLib":false,"IsNoDust":false,"IsNoCD":false,"Quality":"Very Good","IdQuality":4,"OnSaleDate":"2024-04-11T19:30:55.4347227-07:00","IsBackorder":false},{"IdIQ":1028757,"IdAmazon":2234083,"Price":4.29,"AvailableQuantity":309,"IsExLib":false,"IsNoDust":false,"IsNoCD":false,"Quality":"Good","IdQuality":3,"OnSaleDate":"2024-04-11T19:30:55.4347227-07:00","IsBackorder":false},{"IdIQ":4761095,"IdAmazon":2234083,"Price":4.29,"AvailableQuantity":6,"IsExLib":true,"IsNoDust":false,"IsNoCD":false,"Quality":"Good","IdQuality":3,"OnSaleDate":"2024-04-11T19:30:55.4347227-07:00","IsBackorder":false},{"IdIQ":4049230,"IdAmazon":2234083,"Price":4.29,"AvailableQuantity":1,"IsExLib":false,"IsNoDust":true,"IsNoCD":false,"Quality":"Good","IdQuality":3,"OnSaleDate":"2024-04-11T19:30:55.4347227-07:00","IsBackorder":false},{"IdIQ":13657551,"IdAmazon":2234083,"Price":4.29,"AvailableQuantity":1,"IsExLib":true,"IsNoDust":true,"IsNoCD":false,"Quality":"Good","IdQuality":3,"OnSaleDate":"2024-04-11T19:30:55.4347227-07:00","IsBackorder":false}],"OnSaleDate":"0001-01-01T00:00:00","ISBN":"059035342X","ReleaseDate":"1998-09-01T00:00:00","IdAmazon":2234083,"Publisher":"Arthur A. Levine Books","IsLargePrint":false,"ISBN13":"9780590353427","UPC":"","NumberOfPages":320,"Weight":64,"Height":90,"Width":520,"Length":760,"Media":"Paperback","Language":"english","AvailableCopies":318,"ListPrice":10.99,"LowPrice":4.29,"HighPrice":4.79,"SalesRank":8844,"TBSalesRank":26,"BuyNowIDIQ":2022311,"BuyNowPrice":4.79,"BuyNowCondition":"Very Good","BuyNowConditionScore":3,"ImageUrl":"","ImageUrlLarge":"","ImageUrlExtraLarge":null,"Synopsis":"Harry Potter has never been the star of a Quidditch team, scoring points while riding a broom far above the ground. He knows no spells, has never helped to hatch a dragon, and has never worn a cloak of invisibility.All he knows is a miserable life with the Dursleys, his horrible aunt and uncle, and their abominable son, Dudley - a great big swollen spoiled bully. Harry's room is a tiny closet at the foot of the stairs, and he hasn't had a birthday party in eleven years.But all that is about to change when a mysterious letter arrives by owl messenger: a letter with an invitation to an incredible place that Harry - and anyone who reads about him - will find unforgettable.For it's there that he finds not only friends, aerial sports, and magic in everything from classes to meals, but a great destiny that's been waiting for him... if Harry can survive the encounter.","HasFirstChapter":false,"IsSaleItem":true,"IdWishList":0,"IdQuality":4,"HasNewCopies":false,"HasUsedCopies":true,"AgeRange":"9 to 13 years","GradeRange":"Grades 4 to 8","CheapestNewIdIQ":0,"CheapestNewPrice":0,"CheapestUsedIdIQ":1028757,"CheapestUsedPrice":4.29,"Actors":"","Directors":"","Rating":"","NumberOfItems":1,"AdditionalVideoInfo":"Paperback","RunTime":0,"IEIRating":"","Speed":"","NumberOfTracks":0,"Artists":"Rowling, J. 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Why would I even want it without the cover?!!?????","PostDate":"2024-04-10T14:28:41.653","UnixtimeMs":1712784521653,"AccountRank":9999,"AccountTitle":null,"UserVoteValue":0,"IsCurrentUser":false,"IsAnonymous":false,"Likes":0,"Dislikes":0,"Score":5.5034188266283375e-17},{"idWorkReview":2479293,"idWork":248957,"Rating":5,"VerifiedPurchase":true,"PostVisible":true,"CustomerName":"Shimene ","HeadlineText":"Good condition ","BodyText":"It came in good condition ","PostDate":"2024-04-08T18:37:54.723","UnixtimeMs":1712626674722,"AccountRank":9999,"AccountTitle":null,"UserVoteValue":0,"IsCurrentUser":false,"IsAnonymous":false,"Likes":0,"Dislikes":0,"Score":5.5034188266283375e-17},{"idWorkReview":2467560,"idWork":248957,"Rating":1,"VerifiedPurchase":true,"PostVisible":true,"CustomerName":"Nick","HeadlineText":"Don't expect what you see in the image","BodyText":"Don't expect to get what you pay for. Ordered a hardcover book expecting it to come intact with its jacket, even picked one that had the right jacket to match my set. Instead I got a naked book. Is a real bummer because that's the only reason I bought the book and they told me that there was no refund available and if I didn't want it to just donate it somewhere. Terrible customer service and business practices","PostDate":"2024-03-12T04:35:07.397","UnixtimeMs":1710243307396,"AccountRank":9999,"AccountTitle":null,"UserVoteValue":0,"IsCurrentUser":false,"IsAnonymous":false,"Likes":0,"Dislikes":0,"Score":5.5034188266283375e-17},{"idWorkReview":2463424,"idWork":248957,"Rating":1,"VerifiedPurchase":true,"PostVisible":true,"CustomerName":"Mh5529","HeadlineText":"Wrong version ","BodyText":"I received some sort of sample copy that started with chapter 4 and ended at chapter 11. Not the correct book.","PostDate":"2024-03-02T14:12:00.7","UnixtimeMs":1709417520699,"AccountRank":9999,"AccountTitle":null,"UserVoteValue":0,"IsCurrentUser":false,"IsAnonymous":false,"Likes":0,"Dislikes":0,"Score":5.5034188266283375e-17},{"idWorkReview":2459472,"idWork":248957,"Rating":2,"VerifiedPurchase":true,"PostVisible":true,"CustomerName":"Lrhodes","HeadlineText":"Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone ","BodyText":"Sent me the book but it's not from the specific publisher that I wanted. I know it's a small thing, but having one produced at Bloomsbury verse scholastic was very important to me. Love the book though. Always a favorite!","PostDate":"2024-02-22T15:40:41.953","UnixtimeMs":1708645241952,"AccountRank":9999,"AccountTitle":null,"UserVoteValue":0,"IsCurrentUser":false,"IsAnonymous":false,"Likes":0,"Dislikes":0,"Score":5.5034188266283375e-17},{"idWorkReview":2453631,"idWork":248957,"Rating":2,"VerifiedPurchase":true,"PostVisible":true,"CustomerName":"Felicity ","HeadlineText":"Very disappointed they should at least let you know if the paper cover is on the book or not I was e","BodyText":"I love Harry Potter but they should let you know if the book you are buying has the paper jacket on or not. ","PostDate":"2024-02-09T08:21:27.497","UnixtimeMs":1707495687497,"AccountRank":9999,"AccountTitle":null,"UserVoteValue":0,"IsCurrentUser":false,"IsAnonymous":false,"Likes":0,"Dislikes":0,"Score":5.5034188266283375e-17},{"idWorkReview":2436601,"idWork":248957,"Rating":2,"VerifiedPurchase":true,"PostVisible":true,"CustomerName":"Ann S","HeadlineText":"Was not as expected, missing dust jacked and pages. ","BodyText":"Not thrilled with the condition of the book I received, dust jacket was missing and a page was ripped out. That’s not β€œalmost new” condition ","PostDate":"2024-01-04T18:45:45.737","UnixtimeMs":1704422745737,"AccountRank":9999,"AccountTitle":null,"UserVoteValue":0,"IsCurrentUser":false,"IsAnonymous":false,"Likes":0,"Dislikes":0,"Score":5.5034188266283375e-17},{"idWorkReview":2412913,"idWork":248957,"Rating":4,"VerifiedPurchase":true,"PostVisible":true,"CustomerName":"MC","HeadlineText":"Good condition but sadly no dust jacket","BodyText":"Great story ","PostDate":"2023-11-09T14:57:37.37","UnixtimeMs":1699570657370,"AccountRank":9999,"AccountTitle":null,"UserVoteValue":0,"IsCurrentUser":false,"IsAnonymous":false,"Likes":0,"Dislikes":0,"Score":5.5034188266283375e-17},{"idWorkReview":2403507,"idWork":248957,"Rating":1,"VerifiedPurchase":true,"PostVisible":true,"CustomerName":"El","HeadlineText":"Bro","BodyText":"I never got my order. I only got Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets, and madame bovary. ","PostDate":"2023-10-15T02:20:13.757","UnixtimeMs":1697361613757,"AccountRank":9999,"AccountTitle":null,"UserVoteValue":0,"IsCurrentUser":false,"IsAnonymous":false,"Likes":0,"Dislikes":0,"Score":5.5034188266283375e-17},{"idWorkReview":2375456,"idWork":248957,"Rating":3,"VerifiedPurchase":true,"PostVisible":true,"CustomerName":"____","HeadlineText":"Classic story of the boy who lived. ","BodyText":"The book is great read it a good few times, the cover is not the one I was hoping for, got the Canadian version of the book a little disappointed as I was hoping to collect all of the us versions. Wish they would have better advertising and explanations of which book you are getting. ","PostDate":"2023-08-01T14:10:18.687","UnixtimeMs":1690924218687,"AccountRank":9999,"AccountTitle":null,"UserVoteValue":0,"IsCurrentUser":false,"IsAnonymous":false,"Likes":0,"Dislikes":0,"Score":5.5034188266283375e-17},{"idWorkReview":2371551,"idWork":248957,"Rating":2,"VerifiedPurchase":true,"PostVisible":true,"CustomerName":"Nicole A","HeadlineText":"Disappointed,  ordered good, looks fair/acceptable,  parts of paper spine missing and dust jacket is","BodyText":"Disappointed,  ordered good, looks fair/acceptable,  parts of paper spine missing and dust jacket is missing. ","PostDate":"2023-07-...


curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


API Access Key & Authentication

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Header Description
Authorization [Required] Should be Bearer access_key. See "Your API Access Key" above when you are subscribed.

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Prices are based on a recurring monthly subscription depending on the plan selected β€” plus overage fees applied when a developer exceeds a plan’s quota limits. In this example, you'll see the base plan amount as well as a quota limit of API requests. Be sure to notice the overage fee because you will be charged for each additional request.

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