Top Population By Country API alternatives in 2025

Top Population By Country API Alternatives in 2025
As the demand for accurate and comprehensive population data continues to grow, developers are increasingly seeking reliable APIs to integrate into their applications. In 2025, several alternatives to the World Population API are emerging, each offering unique features, capabilities, and use cases. This blog post will explore the best alternatives, including the World Population API, the Country Data API, the Country Data by Country Name API, the Country Discover API, the Country Data Lookup API, the Global Geography API, the Geography Data API, the Country Data By Continent API, the Trending Stocks by Country API, and the Google News by Country Code API. Each of these APIs provides valuable insights into population statistics and geographical data, making them essential tools for developers.
World Population API
The World Population API offers a comprehensive collection of population data from countries and continents worldwide. It provides insights into total population, growth rates, and demographic structures, making it an invaluable resource for researchers, businesses, and developers.
Key Features and Capabilities
One of the standout features of the World Population API is its ability to retrieve population data by country. By specifying the name of a country in the API call, users can obtain detailed population statistics, including:
- Population by Country: This feature allows users to get the population data of a specific country by its name. For example, a request for Vietnam would return:
This response includes the total population count, a human-readable format, and the country name, making it easy to integrate into applications.
Typical use cases for this API include demographic research, market analysis, GIS mapping, and government planning. The data is sourced from reputable demographic databases, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
Want to try World Population API? Check out the API documentation to get started.
Country Data API
The Country Data API provides comprehensive data on countries worldwide, including population, currency, language, and geographical details. This API is essential for applications that require detailed country-specific information.
Key Features and Capabilities
One of the key features of the Country Data API is the ability to retrieve country information by name. Users can specify the name of a country in the API call to obtain relevant data:
- Country Information: This feature allows users to get detailed information about a country, including its capital, currency, language, and population. For example, a request for Pakistan would return:
{"Name":"Pakistan","Capital":"Islamabad","Currency":"Pakistani rupee","Nation":"Pakistani","Language":"Pakistan: Urdu; English","Calling":"+92","Population_2020":"220 million","SubContinent":"Asia","Independence":"Pakistan - Independence Day: August 14, 1947","Flag":""}
This response provides a wealth of information, including the capital city, currency, languages spoken, and even the flag of the country, making it a versatile tool for developers.
Want to try Country Data API? Check out the API documentation to get started.
Country Data by Country Name API
The Country Data by Country Name API offers easy access to accurate and current data about countries worldwide. This API is perfect for applications that require real-time access to country information.
Key Features and Capabilities
One of the main features of this API is its ability to retrieve country information by providing a country name. For example:
- Country Information: Users can obtain detailed information about a country, including demographics, government type, and neighboring countries. A request for Turkey would return:
{"countryName":"Turkey","continent":"Asia","officialLanguages":"Turkish","capital":"Ankara","government":"Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic","borderLength":"2 648 km / 1 645 miles","population":"80 845 215","surfaceAreaSqMi":"302 535","surfaceAreaKm2":"783 562","populationDensitySqMi":"267","populationDensityKm2":"103","neighborsList":["Armenia","Azerbaijan","Bulgaria","Georgia","Greece","Iran","Iraq","Syria"]}
This response includes critical data points such as the capital, government type, population, and neighboring countries, making it suitable for various applications.
Looking to optimize your Country Data by Country Name API integration? Read our technical guides for implementation tips.
Country Discover API
The Country Discover API serves as a critical gateway for accessing and retrieving a wide range of information about specific nations. This API is designed for users, researchers, analysts, and businesses looking to collect comprehensive information from various countries.
Key Features and Capabilities
Key features of the Country Discover API include:
- Countries by Continent: Users can obtain information about countries within a specified continent. For example, a request for Europe would return:
[{"id":2,"countryName":"Albania","capitalCity":"Tirana","latitude":"41","longitude":"20","continent":"Europe","subregion":"Southern Europe","population":"2886026","callingCode":"355","iso2":"AL","iso3":"ALB","borders":["MNE, GRC, MKD, KOS"],"nativeName":"Shqipria"}]
This response provides a list of countries within Europe, including their capitals, populations, and geographical coordinates.
Looking to optimize your Country Discover API integration? Read our technical guides for implementation tips.
Country Data Lookup API
The Country Data Lookup API is a powerful tool that provides numerous data related to countries, states, and cities based on country codes. This API is ideal for applications that require location-based services.
Key Features and Capabilities
Key features of the Country Data Lookup API include:
- Get Available Countries: This feature allows users to retrieve a list of all available countries. A simple request would return:
[{"name":"Afghanistan","isoCode":"AF","flag":"","phonecode":"93","currency":"AFN","latitude":"33.00000000","longitude":"65.00000000","timezones":[{"zoneName":"Asia/Kabul","gmtOffset":16200,"gmtOffsetName":"UTC+04:30","abbreviation":"AFT","tzName":"Afghanistan Time"}]}]
This response provides essential information about each country, including its ISO code, currency, and geographical coordinates.
Want to try Country Data Lookup API? Check out the API documentation to get started.
Global Geography API
The Global Geography API is designed to provide comprehensive data on countries around the world. This API allows users to access a wide range of country-related information for their applications.
Key Features and Capabilities
One of the key features of the Global Geography API is the ability to search for country information by ISO code. For example:
- Search by Country: Users can retrieve information about a country by providing its ISO code. A request for the United Kingdom would return:
{"id":10,"continentId":7,"code":"GB","name":"United Kingdom","native":"United Kingdom","phone":"44","capital":"London","currency":"GBP","emoji":""}
This response includes the country name, capital, currency, and other relevant details, making it easy to integrate into applications.
Looking to optimize your Global Geography API integration? Read our technical guides for implementation tips.
Geography Data API
The Geography Data API provides developers with a simple and efficient way to access geographic data from different sources. This API is particularly useful for applications that require location-based services.
Key Features and Capabilities
Key features of the Geography Data API include:
- Continent by ID: Users can retrieve continent information by providing an ID. For example, a request for continent ID 1 would return:
This response provides the continent's ID, code, and name, which can be useful for categorizing countries.
Ready to test Geography Data API? Try the API playground to experiment with requests.
Country Data By Continent API
The Country Data By Continent API allows users to receive information about countries by continent. This API is ideal for educational projects and data visualization tools.
Key Features and Capabilities
Key features of the Country Data By Continent API include:
- All Available Countries: Users can retrieve information on all available countries within a specified continent. A request for Europe would return:
{"result":[{"currencies":[{"code":"EUR","name":"Euro","symbol":"€"}],"demonyms":{"eng":{"f":"European","m":"European"},"fra":{"f":"Européenne","m":"Européen"}},"name":{"common":"Germany","official":"Federal Republic of Germany"},"area":"357022","population":"83783942","region":"Europe","subregion":"Western Europe","flag":""}]}
This response provides a comprehensive overview of countries within Europe, including their currencies, population, and flags.
Looking to optimize your Country Data By Continent API integration? Read our technical guides for implementation tips.
Trending Stocks by Country API
The Trending Stocks by Country API provides real-time access to essential data on trending stocks based on price, country, and performance metrics. This API is designed for investors and traders looking to stay informed about market trends.
Key Features and Capabilities
Key features of the Trending Stocks by Country API include:
- Get Countries: This feature returns a list of all country names, allowing users to filter trending stocks by country. A request would return:
[{"name":"United States","value":"usa"},{"name":"Canada","value":"canada"},{"name":"Germany","value":"germany"}]
This response provides a list of countries, which can be used to filter stock data based on regional market conditions.
Need help implementing Trending Stocks by Country API? View the integration guide for step-by-step instructions.
Google News by Country Code API
The Google News by Country Code API allows developers to obtain the latest news articles from various countries using their respective country codes. This API is ideal for applications that require up-to-date news information.
Key Features and Capabilities
Key features of the Google News by Country Code API include:
- Get Google News: Users can retrieve the latest news articles by specifying a country code. A request for the United States would return:
[{"title":"Breaking News: Major Event Happens","link":"","guid":"123456"}]
This response provides the title and link to the news article, allowing developers to integrate current news into their applications.
Want to use Google News by Country Code API in production? Visit the developer docs for complete API reference.
In conclusion, as we move into 2025, the demand for reliable population and geographical data continues to grow. The alternatives to the World Population API, including the Country Data API, Country Data by Country Name API, Country Discover API, Country Data Lookup API, Global Geography API, Geography Data API, Country Data By Continent API, Trending Stocks by Country API, and Google News by Country Code API, each offer unique features and capabilities that cater to different needs. Depending on your specific requirements—be it demographic research, market analysis, or real-time news updates—there is an API that can meet your needs effectively. By leveraging these APIs, developers can create powerful applications that provide valuable insights and enhance user experiences.