Marine Forecast

This tool provides real-time global marine data, including temperature, wind, waves, currents and precipitation.

Marine Forecast provides accurate, real-time information on weather and ocean conditions at various locations around the world. This tool is ideal for activities that depend on weather and sea conditions, such as shipping, fishing, maritime transport, water sports, and scientific research. The data it provides includes key parameters such as air and water temperature, wind direction and speed, wave heights and directions, tide levels, ocean current direction and speed, cloud cover, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure. It also provides information on precipitation, visibility, as well as the intensity of wind gusts.

Marine Forecast image

About the API

Global Marine Weather Data API

Global Marine Weather Data API

The Global Marine Weather Data API provides marine weather forecasts for the next 7 days in hourly resolution, including important data such as swell height, swell direction, wave height, wind speed, and more.

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