Aspect Ratio Restoring API

Aspect Ratio Restoring API

The Aspect Ratio Restoring API automatically detects distorted images and restores their content to their original proportions. By identifying over-stretched images, this API provides an automated solution to correct aspect ratio issues, ensuring the image maintains its intended appearance.

API description

About the API:

The Aspect Ratio Restoring API is a powerful tool designed to automatically detect and correct over-stretched images, restoring them to their original proportions. With its advanced algorithms and image processing techniques, this API provides developers with an efficient solution to address aspect ratio issues in images.

When images are distorted or stretched beyond their original aspect ratio, it can result in visual distortions and negatively impact the overall aesthetics of the image. The Aspect Ratio Restoring API tackles this problem by analyzing the image and identifying the extent of distortion present. It then applies intelligent resizing and cropping techniques to restore the image content to its normal proportions, ensuring that the visual integrity of the image is maintained.

The API's automatic identification of over-stretched images eliminates the need for manual intervention, saving developers valuable time and effort. By integrating this API into their applications, developers can ensure that the images displayed to users are visually appealing and accurately represent the intended content.

The Aspect Ratio Restoring API offers a straightforward integration process. It provides clear documentation and code examples, making it easy for developers to incorporate the API into their existing workflows. The API supports various image formats commonly used on the web, such as JPEG, PNG, and GIF, enabling its usage in a wide range of applications.

This API finds utility in a variety of use cases. For example, in e-commerce platforms, where product images play a crucial role in attracting customers, the Aspect Ratio Restoring API can automatically correct distorted product images, ensuring a consistent and visually pleasing shopping experience. In photo sharing applications or social media platforms, the API can rectify stretched images uploaded by users, enhancing the overall user experience and maintaining the integrity of shared visual content.

Furthermore, the Aspect Ratio Restoring API can be utilized in image processing workflows, where maintaining the correct aspect ratio is essential. By automatically restoring the proportions of images, it streamlines the image editing process and ensures that the final output is visually appealing.

In conclusion, the Aspect Ratio Restoring API is a valuable solution for automatically identifying and correcting over-stretched images. By leveraging its advanced algorithms, developers can effortlessly restore image content to its original proportions, enhancing the visual quality of images in various applications such as e-commerce, photo sharing, and image processing workflows.


What your API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

Pass the distorted image to the API, and receive the base64 image with the correct aspect ratio for your use. 


What are the most common uses cases of this API?

  1. E-commerce Platforms: In e-commerce, product images significantly influence purchasing decisions. The Aspect Ratio Restoring API can be employed to automatically correct distorted product images, ensuring they are visually appealing and accurately represent the products. This enhances the overall user experience and improves conversion rates.

  2. Social Media Applications: Users often upload images to social media platforms, and stretched images can detract from the visual experience. By integrating the Aspect Ratio Restoring API, these platforms can automatically detect and correct distorted images, ensuring a consistent and visually pleasing display of user-generated content.

  3. Image Editing Software: Image editing software can benefit from the Aspect Ratio Restoring API by providing an automatic correction feature for stretched or distorted images. This allows users to effortlessly restore the original proportions of their images during the editing process, saving time and effort.

  4. Image Galleries and Photo Albums: Online galleries or photo albums may have images with varying aspect ratios, resulting in inconsistent layouts. The Aspect Ratio Restoring API can be utilized to automatically adjust and maintain a uniform aspect ratio across the images, creating visually pleasing and well-organized galleries.

  5. Web Design and Responsive Layouts: When designing responsive websites, images need to adapt to different screen sizes and orientations. The Aspect Ratio Restoring API can be used to ensure that images maintain their intended aspect ratio across various devices, providing a consistent and visually harmonious browsing experience for users.

  6. Digital Signage and Advertising Displays: Digital signage displays often rely on images for advertising or informational purposes. The Aspect Ratio Restoring API can help ensure that images displayed on digital signage screens are correctly proportioned, maintaining their visual impact and avoiding distortions that may compromise the intended message.


Are there any limitations to your plans?

Besides the number of API calls, there are no other limitations.

API Documentation


Automatically identify over-stretched images and restore the image content to normal proportions.


Restore Aspect Ratio - Endpoint Features
Object Description
Request Body [Required] File Binary
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"Example Response":"No response example available for now."}

Restore Aspect Ratio - CODE SNIPPETS

    curl --location '' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ 
    --form 'image=@"FILE_PATH"'

API Access Key & Authentication

After signing up, every developer is assigned a personal API access key, a unique combination of letters and digits provided to access to our API endpoint. To authenticate with the Aspect Ratio Restoring API REST API, simply include your bearer token in the Authorization header.


Header Description
Authorization [Required] Should be Bearer access_key. See "Your API Access Key" above when you are subscribed.

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The Aspect Ratio Restoring API utilizes advanced algorithms and image analysis techniques to detect distortions in images. It analyzes the image's dimensions and compares them to standard aspect ratios, identifying any significant deviations that indicate stretching or distortion.

Yes, the API supports various image formats commonly used on the web, including JPEG, PNG, and GIF. It can automatically detect and correct aspect ratio issues in images of these formats, ensuring compatibility with different applications and workflows.

No, the Aspect Ratio Restoring API does not modify the original image file. Instead, it generates a new version of the image with corrected proportions. The original image file remains unchanged, preserving its integrity and allowing for comparison or fallback options if necessary.

The Aspect Ratio Restoring API employs sophisticated algorithms to achieve accurate restoration results. However, the level of accuracy may vary depending on the complexity of the distortion and the image quality. It is recommended to test the API with representative samples to evaluate its performance for specific use cases.

Yes, the Aspect Ratio Restoring API can handle both horizontal and vertical stretching. It analyzes the image dimensions and applies appropriate resizing and cropping techniques to restore the image content to its normal proportions, regardless of the direction of the stretching.

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