Indian Stock Exchange API

The Indian Stock Exchange API provides detailed financial data for companies listed on the BSE and NSE. This API allows users to retrieve company profiles, stock prices, technical data, financials, key metrics, analyst views, shareholding patterns, corporate actions, and recent news.

The Indian Stock Exchange API provides detailed financial data for companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE), empowering users with comprehensive insights into the dynamic Indian stock market. This powerful API allows investors, financial analysts, and developers to access a wealth of information essential for making informed investment decisions and conducting thorough research.

Check out our Indian API Marketplace here:

Unlock the potential of the Indian stock market with Indian Stock Exchange API's extensive features, including:

  • Company Profiles: Dive deep into the profiles of Indian companies, gaining valuable insights into their background, history, and industry presence.
  • Stock Prices: Stay up-to-date with real-time stock prices for both BSE and NSE listings, ensuring you never miss a market movement.
  • Technical Data: Access detailed technical analysis data for Indian stocks, enabling you to assess performance and trends with precision.
  • Financials: Explore financial statements and data for Indian companies, including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements.
  • Key Metrics: Evaluate key financial ratios and metrics specific to the Indian stock market, such as profitability, liquidity, and solvency.
  • Analyst Views: Stay informed with expert analyst views and recommendations tailored to Indian stocks, helping you understand market sentiment and investment opportunities.
  • Shareholding Patterns: Gain insights into shareholding patterns of Indian companies, including institutional holdings, promoter holdings, and public shareholding structures.
  • Corporate Actions: Track corporate actions such as dividends, stock splits, mergers, and acquisitions in the Indian market, staying informed about events that may impact stock prices.
  • Recent News: Access the latest news articles related to Indian companies, industries, and market developments, ensuring you're always in the know.


contact us: [email protected]

We also offer custom endpoints and a dedicated server for your needs!

API Documentation


  •  Endpoint: /stock
  •  Method: GET
  •  Description: Retrieve detailed financial data for a specific company using its name. The API supports full names, shortened names or any search terms that livemint search supports.
  •  Parameters:
       name (required, string): The name, shortened name, or any search term livemint allows.

Sample Request

GET /company?name=Reliance

Sample Response

"tickerId": "S0003018",
"companyName": "Reliance Industries Limited",
"industry": "Oil & Gas Operations",
"companyProfile": {
// ... detailed company profile data
"currentPrice": {
"BSE": 2200.50,
"NSE": 2195.75
"stockTechnicalData": {
// ... technical data
"percentChange": 1.25,
"yearHigh": 2400.00,
"yearLow": 1800.00,
"financials": {
// ... financial data
"keyMetrics": {
// ... key metrics
"futureExpiryDates": [
// ... more dates
"futureOverviewData": {
// ... future overview data
"initialStockFinancialData": {
// ... initial financial data
"analystView": {
// ... analyst views
"recosBar": {
// ... recommendations bar data
"riskMeter": {
// ... risk meter data
"shareholding": {
// ... shareholding data
"stockCorporateActionData": {
// ... corporate action data
"stockDetailsReusableData": {
// ... reusable stock details data
"recentNews": [
// ... news articles

Detailed Description of Structured Data

  • tickerId: The unique identifier for the stock (e.g., "RELIANCE").
  • companyName: The full name of the company.
  • industry: The industry in which the company operates.
  • companyProfile: Detailed information about the company.
  • currentPrice: Current stock prices for BSE and NSE.
    • BSE: Current price on BSE.
    • NSE: Current price on NSE.
  • stockTechnicalData: Technical analysis data of the stock.
  • percentChange: Percentage change in stock price.
  • yearHigh: Highest price of the stock in the past year.
  • yearLow: Lowest price of the stock in the past year.
  • financials: Financial statements and data of the company.
  • keyMetrics: Key financial ratios and metrics.
  • futureExpiryDates: Dates of future contract expiries.
  • futureOverviewData: Overview data of futures contracts.
  • initialStockFinancialData: Initial financial data of the stock.
  • analystView: Analyst recommendations and views.
  • recosBar: Data showing analyst recommendations.
  • riskMeter: Risk assessment data.
  • shareholding: Shareholding patterns.
  • stockCorporateActionData: Information on corporate actions.
  • stockDetailsReusableData: Reusable data details for the stock.
  • recentNews: Recent news articles related to the company.


Get Company Data by Name - Endpoint Features

Object Description
name [Required] The name, shortened name, or any search term livemint allows.
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"Example Response":"No response example available for now."}

Get Company Data by Name - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Industry Search

Endpoint: GET /industry_search

Description: This endpoint allows you to search for companies within a specific industry.


  • query (string, required): The search term to query the industry.


"id": "S0003051",
"commonName": "Tata Consultancy Services",
"mgIndustry": "Software & Programming",
"mgSector": "Technology",
"stockType": "Equity",
"exchangeCodeBse": "532540",
"exchangeCodeNsi": "TCS",
"bseRic": "TCS.BO",
"nseRic": "TCS.NS",
"activeStockTrends": {
"shortTermTrends": "Bearish",
"longTermTrends": "Moderately Bearish",
"overallRating": "Moderately Bearish"
"id": "S0003022",
"commonName": "Tata Motors",
"mgIndustry": "Auto & Truck Manufacturers",
"mgSector": "Consumer Cyclical",
"stockType": "Equity",
"exchangeCodeBse": "500570",
"exchangeCodeNsi": "TATAMOTORS",
"bseRic": "TAMO.BO",
"nseRic": "TAMO.NS",
"activeStockTrends": {
"shortTermTrends": "Moderately Bearish",
"longTermTrends": "Bullish",
"overallRating": "Bullish"
"id": "S0003297",
"commonName": "Tata Motors DVR",
"mgIndustry": "Auto & Truck Manufacturers",
"mgSector": "Consumer Cyclical",
"stockType": "Equity",
"exchangeCodeBse": "570001",
"exchangeCodeNsi": "TATAMTRDVR",
"bseRic": "TAMdv.BO",
"nseRic": "TAMdv.NS",
"activeStockTrends": {
"shortTermTrends": "Bearish",
"longTermTrends": "Bullish",
"overallRating": "Neutral"


Industry Search - Endpoint Features

Object Description
query [Required]
Test Endpoint


    "id": "S0003051",
    "commonName": "Tata Consultancy Services",
    "mgIndustry": "Software & Programming",
    "mgSector": "Technology",
    "stockType": "Equity",
    "exchangeCodeBse": "532540",
    "exchangeCodeNsi": "TCS",
    "bseRic": "TCS.BO",
    "nseRic": "TCS.NS",
    "activeStockTrends": {
      "shortTermTrends": "Bearish",
      "longTermTrends": "Moderately Bearish",
      "overallRating": "Moderately Bearish"
    "id": "S0003022",
    "commonName": "Tata Motors",
    "mgIndustry": "Auto & Truck Manufacturers",
    "mgSector": "Consumer Cyclical",
    "stockType": "Equity",
    "exchangeCodeBse": "500570",
    "exchangeCodeNsi": "TATAMOTORS",
    "bseRic": "TAMO.BO",
    "nseRic": "TAMO.NS",
    "activeStockTrends": {
      "shortTermTrends": "Moderately Bearish",
      "longTermTrends": "Bullish",
      "overallRating": "Bullish"
    "id": "S0003297",
    "commonName": "Tata Motors DVR",
    "mgIndustry": "Auto & Truck Manufacturers",
    "mgSector": "Consumer Cyclical",
    "stockType": "Equity",
    "exchangeCodeBse": "570001",
    "exchangeCodeNsi": "TATAMTRDVR",
    "bseRic": "TAMdv.BO",
    "nseRic": "TAMdv.NS",
    "activeStockTrends": {
      "shortTermTrends": "Bearish",
      "longTermTrends": "Bullish",
      "overallRating": "Neutral"
    "id": "S0003026",
    "commonName": "Tata Steel",
    "mgIndustry": "Iron & Steel",
    "mgSector": "Basic Materials",
    "stockType": "Equity",
    "exchangeCodeBse": "500470",
    "exchangeCodeNsi": "TATASTEEL",
    "bseRic": "TISC.BO",
    "nseRic": "TISC.NS",
    "activeStockTrends": {
      "shortTermTrends": "Moderately Bearish",
      "longTermTrends": "Bullish",
      "overallRating": "Bullish"
    "id": "S0003067",
    "commonName": "Tata Power",
    "mgIndustry": "Electric Utilities",
    "mgSector": "Utilities",
    "stockType": "Equity",
    "exchangeCodeBse": "500400",
    "exchangeCodeNsi": "TATAPOWER",
    "bseRic": "TTPW.BO",
    "nseRic": "TTPW.NS",
    "activeStockTrends": {
      "shortTermTrends": "Bearish",
      "longTermTrends": "Bullish",
      "overallRating": "Neutral"
    "id": "S0003126",
    "commonName": "Tata Consumer",
    "mgIndustry": "Food Processing",
    "mgSector": "Consumer/Non-Cyclical",
    "stockType": "Equity",
    "exchangeCodeBse": "500800",
    "exchangeCodeNsi": "TATACONSUM",
    "bseRic": "TACN.BO",
    "nseRic": "TACN.NS",
    "activeStockTrends": {
      "shortTermTrends": "Bearish",
      "longTermTrends": "Moderately Bearish",
      "overallRating": "Moderately Bearish"
    "id": "S0003598",
    "commonName": "Tata Communications",
    "mgIndustry": "Communications Services",
    "mgSector": "Services",
    "stockType": "Equity",
    "exchangeCodeBse": "500483",
    "exchangeCodeNsi": "TATACOMM",
    "bseRic": "TATA.BO",
    "nseRic": "TATA.NS",
    "activeStockTrends": {
      "shortTermTrends": "Moderately Bearish",
      "longTermTrends": "Bullish",
      "overallRating": "Bullish"
    "id": "S0003158",
    "commonName": "Tata Elxsi",
    "mgIndustry": "Software & Programming",
    "mgSector": "Technology",
    "stockType": "Equity",
    "exchangeCodeBse": "500408",
    "exchangeCodeNsi": "TATAELXSI",
    "bseRic": "TTEX.BO",
    "nseRic": "TTEX.NS",
    "activeStockTrends": {
      "shortTermTrends": "Bearish",
      "longTermTrends": "Bearish",
      "overallRating": "Bearish"
    "id": "S0005615",
    "commonName": "Tata Technologies",
    "mgIndustry": null,
    "mgSector": null,
    "stockType": "Equity",
    "exchangeCodeBse": "544028",
    "exchangeCodeNsi": "TATATECH",
    "bseRic": "TATE.BO",
    "nseRic": "TATE.NS",
    "activeStockTrends": {
      "shortTermTrends": "NA",
      "longTermTrends": "NA",
      "overallRating": "NA"
    "id": "S0003641",
    "commonName": "Tata Investment Corporation",
    "mgIndustry": "Investment Services",
    "mgSector": "Financial",
    "stockType": "Equity",
    "exchangeCodeBse": "501301",
    "exchangeCodeNsi": "TATAINVEST",
    "bseRic": "TINV.BO",
    "nseRic": "TINV.NS",
    "activeStockTrends": {
      "shortTermTrends": "Bullish",
      "longTermTrends": "Bullish",
      "overallRating": "Bullish"
    "id": "S0003100",
    "commonName": "Tata Chemicals",
    "mgIndustry": "Chemical Manufacturing",
    "mgSector": "Basic Materials",
    "stockType": "Equity",
    "exchangeCodeBse": "500770",
    "exchangeCodeNsi": "TATACHEM",
    "bseRic": "TTCH.BO",
    "nseRic": "TTCH.NS",
    "activeStockTrends": {
      "shortTermTrends": "Bullish",
      "longTermTrends": "Bullish",
      "overallRating": "Bullish"
    "id": "S0003540",
    "commonName": "Tata Teleservices Maharashtra",
    "mgIndustry": "Communications Services",
    "mgSector": "Services",
    "stockType": "Equity",
    "exchangeCodeBse": "532371",
    "exchangeCodeNsi": "TTML",
    "bseRic": "TTML.BO",
    "nseRic": "TTML.NS",
    "activeStockTrends": {
      "shortTermTrends": "Bullish",
      "longTermTrends": "Bearish",
      "overallRating": "Neutral"
    "id": "E00075",
    "commonName": "TATA Nifty ETF",
    "mgIndustry": null,
    "mgSector": null,
    "stockType": "Fund",
    "exchangeCodeBse": "",
    "exchangeCodeNsi": "NETF",
    "bseRic": "",
    "nseRic": "TATN.NS",
    "activeStockTrends": {
      "shortTermTrends": "Bullish",
      "longTermTrends": "Bullish",
      "overallRating": "Bullish"
    "id": "E00068",
    "commonName": "TATA Nifty Private Bank ETF",
    "mgIndustry": null,
    "mgSector": null,
    "stockType": "Fund",
    "exchangeCodeBse": "",
    "exchangeCodeNsi": "NPBET",
    "bseRic": "",
    "nseRic": "TATF.NS",
    "activeStockTrends": {
      "shortTermTrends": "Bullish",
      "longTermTrends": "Bullish",
      "overallRating": "Bullish"
    "id": "S0003342",
    "commonName": "Tata Steel BSL",
    "mgIndustry": "Iron & Steel",
    "mgSector": "Basic Materials",
    "stockType": "Equity",
    "exchangeCodeBse": "500055",
    "exchangeCodeNsi": "TATASTLBSL",
    "bseRic": "TATS.BO",
    "nseRic": "TATS.NS",
    "activeStockTrends": {
      "shortTermTrends": "NA",
      "longTermTrends": "NA",
      "overallRating": null
    "id": "S0003165",
    "commonName": "Tata Steel Partly Paid",
    "mgIndustry": null,
    "mgSector": null,
    "stockType": "Equity",
    "exchangeCodeBse": "890144",
    "exchangeCodeNsi": "",
    "bseRic": "TISCpp.BO",
    "nseRic": "",
    "activeStockTrends": {
      "shortTermTrends": "NA",
      "longTermTrends": "NA",
      "overallRating": "NA"

Industry Search - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Mutual Fund Search

Endpoint: GET /mutual_fund_search

Description: This endpoint allows you to search for mutual funds.


  • query (string, required): The search term to query the mutual funds.


    "id": "MF000063",
    "schemeName": "Nippon India Equity Savings Bonus",
    "isin": "INF204KA1W02",
    "schemeType": "Open Ended Investment Company",
    "categoryId": "MFCAT002"
    "id": "MF000021",
    "schemeName": "Nippon India ELSS Tax Saver Fund Direct Plan Payout Income Dist cum Cap Wdrl",
    "isin": "INF204K01L30",
    "schemeType": "Open Ended Investment Company",
    "categoryId": "MFCAT003"
    "id": "MF000015",
    "schemeName": "Nippon India Vision Fund Direct Plan Payout Inc Dist cum Cap Wdrl",
    "isin": "INF204K01F04",
    "schemeType": "Open Ended Investment Company",
    "categoryId": "MFCAT003"


Mutual Fund Search - Endpoint Features

Object Description
query [Required]
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"Example Response":"No response example available for now."}

Mutual Fund Search - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Commodity Futures Data API

This API provides access to real-time and historical data for commodity futures contracts traded on an exchange.

Endpoint: /commodities

Method: GET


Retrieves a snapshot of market data for currently active commodity futures contracts. The response includes details on prices, trading volume, open interest, and other relevant metrics.

Example Response (JSON):

    "contractId": "QIU2O5ABzMxWRO9BIztY",
    "dataTimestamp": "Jun 21 2024 7:46PM",
    "commoditySymbol": "ALUMINIUM",
    "expiryDate": "28 Jun 2024",
    "lastTradedPrice": 230.75,
    "lastTradeQuantity": 1,
    "lastTradeTime": "Jun 21 2024 7:46PM",
    "averageTradedPrice": 231.09,
    "totalVolume": 1369,
    "openInterest": 1066,
    "openingPrice": 232.30,
    "highPrice": 232.85,
    "lowPrice": 230.00,
    "closingPrice": 232.45,
    "totalTradedValue": 158183500000,
    "priceUnit": "KGS",
    "contractSize": 5,
    "contractMonth": "JUN2024",
    "priceChange": -1.6999999999999886,
    "percentageChange": -0.7313400731340024
    // ... more contract objects with the same structure

Field Descriptions:

Field Description
contractId Unique identifier for the futures contract.
dataTimestamp Timestamp indicating when this market data snapshot was taken.
commoditySymbol Standardized symbol representing the traded commodity (e.g., "ALUMINIUM").
expiryDate Contract expiration date.
lastTradedPrice The most recent trade price for this contract.
lastTradeQuantity Quantity of contracts traded in the last trade.
lastTradeTime Timestamp of the most recent trade execution.
averageTradedPrice Average price of trades for the session.
totalVolume Total contracts traded during the session.
openInterest Number of active, unsettled contracts.
openingPrice Price of the first trade of the session.
highPrice Highest price during the session.
lowPrice Lowest price during the session.
closingPrice Price at the end of the session.
totalTradedValue Total monetary value of trades for the session.
priceUnit Unit of price quotation (e.g., "KGS", "BBL").
contractSize Standard number of commodity units per contract.
contractMonth Month and year of contract expiration (e.g., "JUN2024").
priceChange Difference in closing price from the previous session.
percentageChange Price change as a percentage of the previous close.


Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"Example Response":"No response example available for now."}

Commodity Futures Data API - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Price Shockers

Endpoint: /price_shockers

Method: GET


Get data for stocks that have experienced significant price changes in a short period of time.

Example Request:

GET /price_shockers

Example Response:

    "ticker": "BPCL.NS",
    "company": "Bharat Petroleum Corporation",
    "price": 309.15,
    "percent_change": -1.27,
    "net_change": -3.98,
    "high": 319,
    "low": 308.7,
    "open": 318,
    "volume": 18726562


Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"Example Response":"No response example available for now."}

Price Shockers - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Mutual Funds

Endpoint: /mutual_funds

Method: GET


Retrieve the latest data for mutual funds, including net asset value (NAV), returns, and other details.

Example Request:

GET /mutual_funds

Example Response:

  "Equity": {
    "Large Cap": [
        "fund_name": "SBI Bluechip Fund",
        "latest_nav": 45.67,
        "percentage_change": 0.45,
        "asset_size": 25000,
        "1_month_return": 1.2,
        "3_month_return": 3.5,
        "6_month_return": 5.0,
        "1_year_return": 12.5,
        "3_year_return": 40.2,
        "5_year_return": 70.5,
        "star_rating": 4


Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"Example Response":"No response example available for now."}

Mutual Funds - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


BSE Most Active

Endpoint: /BSE_most_active

Method: GET


Get the latest most active stocks in the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) based on trading volume.

Example Request:

GET /BSE_most_active

Example Response:

    "ticker": "TATAMOTORS.BO",
    "company": "Tata Motors",
    "price": 450.75,
    "percent_change": 0.28,
    "net_change": 1.25,
    "volume": 8000000


Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"Example Response":"No response example available for now."}


curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


NSE Most Active

Endpoint: /NSE_most_active

Method: GET


Get the latest most active stocks in the National Stock Exchange (NSE) based on trading volume.

Example Request:

GET /NSE_most_active

Example Response:

    "ticker": "RELIANCE.NS",
    "company": "Reliance Industries",
    "price": 2200.55,
    "percent_change": 0.70,
    "net_change": 15.45,
    "volume": 12000000


Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"Example Response":"No response example available for now."}


curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Trending Stocks API

This API provides a snapshot of the top gaining and losing stocks at the current moment, giving you valuable insights into market trends and potential trading opportunities.

Endpoint: /trending

Method: GET

Response Format: JSON

Data Returned:

  "trending_stocks": {
    "top_gainers": [
        "ticker_id": "string",
        "company_name": "string",
        "price": "string", 
        "percent_change": "string",
        "net_change": "string",
        "bid": "string",
        "ask": "string",
        "high": "string",
        "low": "string",
        "open": "string",
        "low_circuit_limit": "string",
        "up_circuit_limit": "string",
        "volume": "string",
        "date": "string", 
        "time": "string", 
        "close": "string", 
        "bid_size": "string",
        "ask_size": "string",
        "average_price": "string", 
        "exchange_type": "string",
        "lot_size": "string",
        "average_volume": "string", 
        "deviation": "string", 
        "actual_deviation": "string", 
        "no_of_days_for_average": "string", 
        "overall_rating": "string",
        "short_term_trends": "string", 
        "long_term_trends": "string", 
        "year_low": "string",
        "year_high": "string",
        "ric": "string" 
      // ... more top gainers 
    "top_losers": [
        // ... same fields as top gainers
      // ... more top losers


  • Top Gainers/Losers: Provides a list of the top 3 gaining stocks and the top 3 losing stocks, ranked by percentage change.
  • Real-time Data: The data is sourced from a live financial data feed, ensuring you get the latest market information.
  • Comprehensive Stock Information: Each stock object includes a wide range of data points, including:
    • Basic Data: Ticker ID, company name, current price, percentage change, net change.
    • Intraday Data: High, low, open, volume.
    • Previous Close: Closing price of the previous trading day.
    • Market Depth: Bid and ask prices, bid and ask sizes.
    • Circuit Limits: Exchange-specific circuit limits.
    • Year High/Low: The 52-week high and low prices for the stock.
    • Reuters Instrument Code (RIC): For accessing data from Reuters services.
    • Additional Analysis Fields: Average price, average volume, deviation, overall rating, short-term trends, and long-term trends.
  • Null Value Handling: The API removes any null values from the response, making it easier for you to parse and use the data.

Potential Use Cases:

  • Market Monitoring: Track the most volatile stocks in real-time to identify potential trading opportunities or risks.
  • News and Sentiment Analysis: Use the trending stocks data in conjunction with news sentiment analysis to understand the factors driving market movements.
  • Algorithm Development: Integrate the API into trading algorithms or quantitative analysis models.
  • Financial Applications: Build applications that display market trends to users.


Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"Example Response":"No response example available for now."}

Get Trending Stocks - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Fetch 52 Week High Low Data

Endpoint: /fetch_52_week_high_low_data

Method: GET


Retrieve data for stocks with the highest and lowest prices in the last 52 weeks from both the BSE and NSE.

Response may return empty list when the market is closed!

Example Request:

GET /fetch_52_week_high_low_data

Example Response:

  "BSE_52WeekHighLow": {
    "high52Week": [
        "ticker": "RELIANCE.BO",
        "company": "Reliance Industries",
        "price": 2200.55,
        "52_week_high": 2300.00
    "low52Week": [
        "ticker": "TATASTEEL.BO",
        "company": "Tata Steel",
        "price": 850.00,
        "52_week_low": 800.00
  "NSE_52WeekHighLow": {
    "high52Week": [
        "ticker": "INFY.NS",
        "company": "Infosys",
        "price": 1500.75,
        "52_week_high": 1550.00
    "low52Week": [
        "ticker": "HCLTECH.NS",
        "company": "HCL Technologies",
        "price": 1000.00,
        "52_week_low": 950.00


Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"Example Response":"No response example available for now."}

Fetch 52 Week High Low Data - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


The /stock_target_price endpoint provides clients with target price information, including historical snapshots, and analyst recommendation details for a specified stock.

HTTP Request

  • GET /stock_target_price?stock_id=

URL Parameters

  • stock_id (required): The unique identifier of the stock for which target price and recommendation data is being requested.

Success Response

The success response contains two major parts: target price details (priceTarget and priceTargetSnapshots) and analyst recommendations (recommendation and recommendationSnapshots).

  • Status Code: 200 OK
  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Response Body:
"priceTarget": {
"CurrencyCode": "INR",
"UnverifiedMean": 4305.17073171,
"PreliminaryMean": 4305.17073171,
... // Additional price target details
"priceTargetSnapshots": [
"CurrencyCode": "INR",
"Mean": 4305.17073171,
... // Additional details for OneWeekAgo
... // Other snapshots (ThirtyDaysAgo, SixtyDaysAgo, etc.)
"recommendation": {
"UnverifiedMean": 2.46511628,
"PreliminaryMean": 2.46511628,
... // Additional recommendation details
"recommendationSnapshots": [
"Mean": 2.46511628,
... // Additional details for OneWeekAgo
... // Other snapshots (ThirtyDaysAgo, SixtyDaysAgo, etc.)

Error Responses

  • Status Code: 404 Not Found
    • Response Body: {"error": "Stock target price not found"}
  • Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error
    • Response Body: {"error": "An error occurred: "}

Recommendations Key

The recommendation field provides an aggregate of analyst recommendations for a specific stock, translating numerical values to qualitative assessments. These recommendations are based on various analyses and forecasts regarding the future performance of the stock relative to the current market expectations. Here's a breakdown of what each numerical value represents:

  • 1 - Buy: Indicates strong confidence from analysts that the stock will outperform the market in the near future.
  • 2 - Outperform: Analysts believe the stock will perform better than the average market return.
  • 3 - Hold: Suggests that analysts view the stock as adequately valued, recommending investors maintain their position without buying more or selling.
  • 4 - Underperform: Predicts that the stock will fare slightly worse than the market average.
  • 5 - Sell: Advises that the stock is expected to underperform significantly and may decrease in value, suggesting investors should consider selling it off.

Recommendation Snapshots

The recommendation details are not only provided for the current assessment but also include snapshots from previous periods to show how analyst perspectives have evolved over time. Here's the temporal hierarchy of the available snapshots:

  • Current wk: Reflects the most recent analyst recommendations.
  • 1 wk ago: Offers insight into how the recommendations stood one week prior.
  • 30 days ago: Indicates the cumulative recommendations from approximately a month before.
  • 60 days ago: Provides a look back at the analyst sentiment two months ago.
  • 90 days ago: Shows the analyst recommendations from three months prior, giving a quarterly perspective.

These snapshots allow investors to track changes in analyst sentiment over time, potentially indicating trends or shifts in market or company fundamentals affecting the stock.

Example Response

  "priceTarget": {
    "CurrencyCode": "INR",
    "UnverifiedMean": 4305.17073171,
    "PreliminaryMean": 4305.17073171,
    "Mean": 4305.17073171,
    "High": 4800,
    "Low": 3165,
    "NumberOfEstimates": 41,
    "Median": 4400,
    "StandardDeviation": 354.83960478
  "priceTargetSnapshots": {
    "PriceTargetSnapshot": [
        "CurrencyCode": "INR",
        "Mean": 4305.17073171,
        "High": 4800,
        "Low": 3165,
        "NumberOfEstimates": 41,
        "Median": 4400,
        "StandardDeviation": 354.83960478,
        "Age": "OneWeekAgo"
        "CurrencyCode": "INR",
        "Mean": 4178.83333333,
        "High": 4787,
        "Low": 3040,
        "NumberOfEstimates": 42,
        "Median": 4262.5,
        "StandardDeviation": 405.35392044,
        "Age": "ThirtyDaysAgo"
        "CurrencyCode": "INR",
        "Mean": 4184.66666667,
        "High": 4787,
        "Low": 3040,
        "NumberOfEstimates": 42,
        "Median": 4300,
        "StandardDeviation": 405.9466904,
        "Age": "SixtyDaysAgo"
        "CurrencyCode": "INR",
        "Mean": 4186.4047619,
        "High": 4787,
        "Low": 3040,
        "NumberOfEstimates": 42,
        "Median": 4300,
        "StandardDeviation": 404.71218677,
        "Age": "NinetyDaysAgo"
  "recommendation": {
    "UnverifiedMean": 2.46511628,
    "PreliminaryMean": 2.46511628,
    "Mean": 2.46511628,
    "High": 1,
    "Low": 5,
    "NumberOfRecommendations": 43,
    "Statistics": {
      "Statistic": [
          "Recommendation": 1,
          "NumberOfAnalysts": 6
          "Recommendation": 2,
          "NumberOfAnalysts": 20
          "Recommendation": 3,
          "NumberOfAnalysts": 10
          "Recommendation": 4,
          "NumberOfAnalysts": 5
          "Recommendation": 5,
          "NumberOfAnalysts": 2
  "recommendationSnapshots": {
    "RecommendationSnapshot": [
        "Mean": 2.46511628,
        "High": 1,
        "Low": 5,
        "NumberOfRecommendations": 43,
        "Statistics": {
          "Statistic": [
              "Recommendation": 1,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 6
              "Recommendation": 2,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 20
              "Recommendation": 3,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 10
              "Recommendation": 4,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 5
              "Recommendation": 5,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 2
        "Age": "OneWeekAgo"
        "Mean": 2.58139535,
        "High": 1,
        "Low": 5,
        "NumberOfRecommendations": 43,
        "Statistics": {
          "Statistic": [
              "Recommendation": 1,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 5
              "Recommendation": 2,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 19
              "Recommendation": 3,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 10
              "Recommendation": 4,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 7
              "Recommendation": 5,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 2
        "Age": "ThirtyDaysAgo"
        "Mean": 2.58139535,
        "High": 1,
        "Low": 5,
        "NumberOfRecommendations": 43,
        "Statistics": {
          "Statistic": [
              "Recommendation": 1,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 5
              "Recommendation": 2,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 19
              "Recommendation": 3,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 10
              "Recommendation": 4,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 7
              "Recommendation": 5,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 2
        "Age": "SixtyDaysAgo"
        "Mean": 2.58139535,
        "High": 1,
        "Low": 5,
        "NumberOfRecommendations": 43,
        "Statistics": {
          "Statistic": [
              "Recommendation": 1,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 5
              "Recommendation": 2,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 19
              "Recommendation": 3,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 10
              "Recommendation": 4,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 7
              "Recommendation": 5,
              "NumberOfAnalysts": 2
        "Age": "NinetyDaysAgo"


Analyst Recommendations - Endpoint Features

Object Description
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"Example Response":"No response example available for now."}

Analyst Recommendations - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 






Query Parameters

  • stock_name (required): string
  • period (optional): string, default is 5yr. Other options: [1m, 6m, 1yr, 3yr, 5yr, 10yr, max]
  • filter (optional): string, default is default. other params: [ price, pe, sm, evebitda, ptb, mcs ]


Fetch historical data for a specific stock.

Example Request

GET /historical_data?symbol=TATAMOTORS&period=1yr&filter=price


Historical Data - Endpoint Features

Object Description
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"Example Response":"No response example available for now."}

Historical Data - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


Historical Stats





Query Parameters

  • stock_name (required): string
  • stats (required): Enum [quarter_results, yoy_results, balancesheet, cashflow, ratios, shareholding_pattern_quarterly, shareholding_pattern_yearly]


Retrieve historical statistics for a specific stock.

Example Request

GET /historical_stats?stock_name=TATAMOTORS&stats=quarter_results


Historical Stats - Endpoint Features

Object Description
Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"Example Response":"No response example available for now."}

Historical Stats - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


API Access Key & Authentication

After signing up, every developer is assigned a personal API access key, a unique combination of letters and digits provided to access to our API endpoint. To authenticate with the Indian Stock Exchange API REST API, simply include your bearer token in the Authorization header.
Header Description
Authorization [Required] Should be Bearer access_key. See "Your API Access Key" above when you are subscribed.

Simple Transparent Pricing

No long term commitments. One click upgrade/downgrade or cancellation. No questions asked.

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Starts at
$ 10,000/Year

  • Custom Volume
  • Specialized Customer Support
  • Real-Time API Monitoring

Customer favorite features

  • βœ”οΈŽ Only Pay for Successful Requests
  • βœ”οΈŽ Free 7-Day Trial
  • βœ”οΈŽ Multi-Language Support
  • βœ”οΈŽ One API Key, All APIs.
  • βœ”οΈŽ Intuitive Dashboard
  • βœ”οΈŽ Comprehensive Error Handling
  • βœ”οΈŽ Developer-Friendly Docs
  • βœ”οΈŽ Postman Integration
  • βœ”οΈŽ Secure HTTPS Connections
  • βœ”οΈŽ Reliable Uptime

Indian Stock Exchange API provides comprehensive financial data for companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE). It offers detailed insights into company profiles, stock prices, technical data, financials, key metrics, analyst views, shareholding patterns, corporate actions, and recent news.

You can retrieve a wide range of data including: -- Company profiles -- Real-time stock prices for BSE and NSE -- Technical analysis data -- Financial statements and data -- Key financial ratios and metrics -- Analyst views and recommendations -- Shareholding patterns -- Corporate actions -- Recent news articles related to companies and the market

The data provided by the Indian Stock Exchange API is updated in real-time for stock prices and regularly for other financial data, ensuring you have access to the most current information available.

Yes, each pricing plan has a different rate limit based on the number of API calls allowed per month. Refer to the pricing section for more details.

The Indian Stock Exchange API documentation can be found at Indian API website:

Indian API is a API Marketplace where you can discover and connect with powerful APIs to enhance your applications. It offers a diverse collection of APIs for various industries and use cases.

Indian API is trusted and used by developers and businesses across India serving thousands of users.

Yes, in addition to the diverse API collection available on the marketplace, custom endpoints and dedicated servers can be provided to meet specific needs.

Check out our Indian API Marketplace here: For inquiries, contact us at: [email protected]

For inquiries, contact us at: [email protected] You can find more information about the Indian API marketplace on their website:

This endpoint returns detailed financial data for a specified company, including its ticker ID, company name, industry, current stock prices on BSE and NSE, technical data, financial statements, key metrics, analyst views, shareholding patterns, corporate actions, and recent news articles.

Key fields include "id" (unique identifier), "commonName" (company name), "mgIndustry" (industry type), "mgSector" (sector classification), "stockType" (type of stock), and "activeStockTrends" (short-term and long-term trends).

The response is structured as an array of mutual fund objects, each containing fields like "id," "schemeName," "isin," "schemeType," and "categoryId," allowing users to easily access specific mutual fund details.

This endpoint does not require parameters but returns data for stocks with the highest and lowest prices over the last 52 weeks for both BSE and NSE, providing insights into stock performance.

This endpoint provides target price information, historical snapshots, and analyst recommendations for a specified stock, including mean target prices, recommendation statistics, and historical trends.

Users can customize requests by specifying the "stock_name" (required) and optional "period" (e.g., 1m, 6m, 1yr) and "filter" (e.g., price, pe), allowing tailored retrieval of historical data based on their needs.

Typical use cases include identifying stocks with significant price changes for trading opportunities, monitoring market volatility, and conducting sentiment analysis based on recent price movements.

Data accuracy is maintained through regular updates from reliable financial sources, rigorous quality checks, and validation processes to ensure that the information provided is current and trustworthy.

Zyla API Hub is like a big store for APIs, where you can find thousands of them all in one place. We also offer dedicated support and real-time monitoring of all APIs. Once you sign up, you can pick and choose which APIs you want to use. Just remember, each API needs its own subscription. But if you subscribe to multiple ones, you'll use the same key for all of them, making things easier for you.

Prices are listed in USD (United States Dollar), EUR (Euro), CAD (Canadian Dollar), AUD (Australian Dollar), and GBP (British Pound). We accept all major debit and credit cards. Our payment system uses the latest security technology and is powered by Stripe, one of the world’s most reliable payment companies. If you have any trouble paying by card, just contact us at [email protected]

Additionally, if you already have an active subscription in any of these currencies (USD, EUR, CAD, AUD, GBP), that currency will remain for subsequent subscriptions. You can change the currency at any time as long as you don't have any active subscriptions.

The local currency shown on the pricing page is based on the country of your IP address and is provided for reference only. The actual prices are in USD (United States Dollar). When you make a payment, the charge will appear on your card statement in USD, even if you see the equivalent amount in your local currency on our website. This means you cannot pay directly with your local currency.

Occasionally, a bank may decline the charge due to its fraud protection settings. We suggest reaching out to your bank initially to check if they are blocking our charges. Also, you can access the Billing Portal and change the card associated to make the payment. If these does not work and you need further assistance, please contact our team at [email protected]

Prices are determined by a recurring monthly or yearly subscription, depending on the chosen plan.

API calls are deducted from your plan based on successful requests. Each plan comes with a specific number of calls that you can make per month. Only successful calls, indicated by a Status 200 response, will be counted against your total. This ensures that failed or incomplete requests do not impact your monthly quota.

Zyla API Hub works on a recurring monthly subscription system. Your billing cycle will start the day you purchase one of the paid plans, and it will renew the same day of the next month. So be aware to cancel your subscription beforehand if you want to avoid future charges.

To upgrade your current subscription plan, simply go to the pricing page of the API and select the plan you want to upgrade to. The upgrade will be instant, allowing you to immediately enjoy the features of the new plan. Please note that any remaining calls from your previous plan will not be carried over to the new plan, so be aware of this when upgrading. You will be charged the full amount of the new plan.

To check how many API calls you have left for the current month, refer to the β€˜X-Zyla-API-Calls-Monthly-Remaining’ field in the response header. For example, if your plan allows 1000 requests per month and you've used 100, this field in the response header will indicate 900 remaining calls.

To see the maximum number of API requests your plan allows, check the β€˜X-Zyla-RateLimit-Limit’ response header. For instance, if your plan includes 1000 requests per month, this header will display 1000.

The β€˜X-Zyla-RateLimit-Reset’ header shows the number of seconds until your rate limit resets. This tells you when your request count will start fresh. For example, if it displays 3600, it means 3600 seconds are left until the limit resets.

Yes, you can cancel your plan anytime by going to your account and selecting the cancellation option on the Billing page. Please note that upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations take effect immediately. Additionally, upon cancellation, you will no longer have access to the service, even if you have remaining calls left in your quota.

You can contact us through our chat channel to receive immediate assistance. We are always online from 8 am to 5 pm (EST). If you reach us after that time, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Additionally, you can contact us via email at [email protected]

To let you experience our APIs without any commitment, we offer a 7-day free trial that allows you to make API calls at no cost during this period. Please note that you can only use this trial once, so make sure to use it with the API that interests you the most. Most of our APIs provide a free trial, but some may not support it.

After 7 days, you will be charged the full amount for the plan you were subscribed to during the trial. Therefore, it’s important to cancel before the trial period ends. Refund requests for forgetting to cancel on time are not accepted.

When you subscribe to an API trial, you can make only 25% of the calls allowed by that plan. For example, if the API plan offers 1000 calls, you can make only 250 during the trial. To access the full number of calls offered by the plan, you will need to subscribe to the full plan.

 Service Level
 Response Time

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