The Text Random Generator API offers users a comprehensive solution to obtain various random data sets in JSON format. When making an initial API call, users can expect to receive a wide range of random data categories, covering various data types such as boolean values, characters, numbers, names, and more.
Developers can use the API to streamline the process of obtaining random data for their applications, eliminating the need to manually generate or obtain test data. By leveraging API capabilities, users can efficiently populate their applications with diverse and realistic data sets, improving the robustness and reliability of their software.
One of the key advantages of the Text Random Generator API is its flexibility and versatility. By supporting multiple categories of data, users have the freedom to request specific types of random data based on their project requirements. Whether they need boolean values for binary decision making, characters for text manipulation, or numbers for numerical simulations, the API can adapt to a wide range of use cases.
Overall, the Text Random Generator API allows developers to efficiently obtain random data for their applications, allowing them to improve testing, prototyping, and experimentation processes. With its wide range of data categories, flexibility, and ease of use, the API serves as a valuable tool for users across industries.
It will receive parameters and provide you with a JSON.
Basic Plan: 1,000 request per day.
Pro Plan: 10,000 request per day.
Pro Plus Plan: 10,000 request per day.
Premium Plan: 10,000 request per day.
Elite Plan: 30,000 request per day.
Ultimate Plan: 30,000 request per day.
To use this endpoint you just have to run it and you will get all the available data categories.
[{"name":"bool","description":"Return a random boolean value (true or false)","properties":{"likelihood":{"type":"integer"}}},{"name":"falsy","description":"Return a random falsy value (false, null, undefined, 0, NaN, \"\")","properties":{}},{"name":"character","description":"Return a random character","properties":{"pool":{"type":"string"},"alpha":{"type":"boolean"},"numeric":{"type":"boolean"},"casing":{"type":"string","values":["lower","upper"]},"symbols":{"type":"boolean"}}},{"name":"floating","description":"Return a random floating point number","properties":{"fixed":{"type":"integer"},"min":{"type":"float"},"max":{"type":"float"}}},{"name":"integer","description":"Return a random integer. range: -9007199254740991 to 9007199254740991","properties":{"min":{"type":"integer"},"max":{"type":"integer"}}},{"name":"letter","description":"Return a random letter","properties":{"casing":{"type":"string","values":["lower","upper"]}}},{"name":"natural","description":"Return a natural number. range: 0 to 9007199254740991","properties":{"min":{"type":"integer"},"max":{"type":"integer"},"exclude":{"type":"list"}}},{"name":"prime","description":"Return a prime number","properties":{"min":{"type":"integer"},"max":{"type":"integer"}}},{"name":"string","description":"Return a random string","properties":{"length":{"type":"integer"},"pool":{"type":"string"},"alpha":{"type":"boolean"},"casing":{"type":"string","values":["lower","upper"]},"symbols":{"type":"boolean"}}},{"name":"paragraph","description":"Return a random paragraph generated from sentences populated by semi-pronounceable random (nonsense) words","properties":{"sentences":{"type":"integer"}}},{"name":"sentence","description":"Return a random sentence populated by semi-pronounceable random (nonsense) words","properties":{"words":{"type":"integer"}}},{"name":"syllable","description":"Return a semi-speakable syllable, 2 or 3 letters","properties":{}},{"name":"word","description":"Return a semi-pronounceable random (nonsense) word","properties":{"syllables":{"type":"integer"},"length":{"type":"integer"}}},{"name":"age","description":"Generate a random age","properties":{"type":{"type":"string","values":["child","teen","adult","senior"]}}},{"name":"birthday","description":"Generate a random birthday","properties":{"type":{"type":"string","values":["child","teen","adult","senior"]},"string":{"type":"boolean"},"american":{"type":"boolean"}}},{"name":"cf","description":"Generate a random Italian social security number (Codice Fiscale)","properties":{"first":{"type":"string"},"last":{"type":"string"},"gender":{"type":"string","values":["Female","Male"]},"birthday":{"type":"string"},"city":{"type":"string"}}},{"name":"cpf","description":"Generate a random Brazilian tax id","properties":{}},{"name":"first","description":"Generate a random first name","properties":{"nationality":{"type":"string","values":["en","it"]},"gender":{"type":"string","values":["female","male"]}}},{"name":"gender","description":"Generate a random gender","properties":{"extraGenders":{"type":"list"}}},{"name":"last","description":"Generate a random last name","properties":{"nationality":{"type":"string","values":["en","it","nl","uk","de","jp","es","fr"]}}},{"name":"name","description":"Generate a random name","properties":{"middle":{"type":"boolean"},"middle_initial":{"type":"boolean"},"prefix":{"type":"boolean"},"nationality":{"type":"string","values":["en","it"]}}},{"name":"prefix","description":"Generate a random name prefix","properties":{"full":{"type":"boolean"},"gender":{"type":"string","values":["male","female","all"]}}},{"name":"ssn","description":"Generate a random social security number","properties":{"ssnFour":{"type":"boolean"},"dashes":{"type":"boolean"}}},{"name":"suffix","description":"Generate a random name suffix","properties":{"full":{"type":"boolean"}}},{"name":"animal","description":"Generate a random animal","properties":{"type":{"type":"string","values":["ocean","desert","grassland","forest","farm","pet","zoo"]}}},{"name":"android_id","description":"Return a random GCM registration ID","properties":{}},{"name":"apple_token","description":"Return a random GCM registration ID","properties":{}},{"name":"bb_pin","description":"Return a random BlackBerry Device PIN","properties":{}},{"name":"wp7_anid","description":"Return a random Windows Phone 7 ANID","properties":{}},{"name":"wp8_anid2","description":"Return a random Windows Phone 8 ANID2","properties":{}},{"name":"avatar","description":"Return a URL to a random avatar from Gravatar","properties":{"protocol":{"type":"string","values":["http","https"]},"fileExtension":{"type":"string","values":["jpg","png"]},"email":{"type":"string"}}},{"name":"color","description":"Return a random color","properties":{"format":{"type":"string","values":["hex","shorthex","rgb","0x"]},"casing":{"type":"string","values":["upper","lower"]},"grayscale":{"type":"boolean"}}},{"name":"company","description":"Return a random company name","properties":{}},{"name":"domain","description":"Return a random domain with a random tld","properties":{"tld":{"type":"string"}}},{"name":"email","description":"Return a random email with a random domain","properties":{"domain":{"type":"string"}}},{"name":"fbid","description":"Return a random Facebook id, aka fbid","properties":{}},{"name":"google_analytics","description":"Return a random Google Analytics tracking code. Takes the form \"UA-123456-01\"","properties":{}},{"name":"hashtag","description":"Return a random hashtag. This is a string of the form \"#thisisahashtag\"","properties":{}},{"name":"ip","description":"Return a random IP Address","properties":{}},{"name":"ipv6","description":"Return a random IPv6 Address","properties":{}},{"name":"klout","description":"Return a random Klout score. Range 1-99","properties":{}},{"name":"profession","description":"Return a random profession. Rank is false by default","properties":{"rank":{"type":"boolean"}}},{"name":"tld","description":"Return a random tld (Top Level Domain) from the set: ['com', 'org', 'edu', 'gov', 'uk', 'net', 'io']","properties":{}},{"name":"twitter","description":"Return a random twitter handle","properties":{}},{"name":"url","description":"Return a random twitter handle","properties":{"protocol":{"type":"string"},"domain":{"type":"string"},"domain_prefix":{"type":"string"},"path":{"type":"string"},"extensions":{"type":"list"}}},{"name":"address","description":"Generate a random street address","properties":{"short_suffix":{"type":"boolean"}}},{"name":"altitude","description":"Generate a random altitude, in meters","properties":{"fixed":{"type":"integer"},"max":{"type":"integer"}}},{"name":"areacode","description":"Generate a random area code","properties":{}},{"name":"city","description":"Generate a random city name","properties":{}},{"name":"coordinates","description":"Generate random coordinates, which are latitude and longitude, comma separated","properties":{"fixed":{"type":"integer"}}},{"name":"country","description":"Return a random country","properties":{"full":{"type":"boolean"}}},{"name":"depth","description":"Generate a random depth, in meters. Depths are always negative","properties":{"fixed":{"type":"integer"},"min":{"type":"integer"}}},{"name":"geohash","description":"Generate a random geohash","properties":{"length":{"type":"integer"}}},{"name":"latitude","description":"Generate a random latitude","properties":{"fixed":{"type":"integer"},"min":{"type":"float"},"max":{"type":"float"}}},{"name":"locale","description":"Generate a random ISO-639-1 language code","properties":{"region":{"type":"boolean"}}},{"name":"longitude","description":"Generate a random longitude","properties":{"fixed":{"type":"integer"},"min":{"type":"float"},"max":{"type":"float"}}},{"name":"phone","description":"Generate a random phone","properties":{"formatted":{"type":"boolean"},"mobile":{"type":"boolean"},"country":{"type":"string","values":["us","uk","fr"]}}},{"name":"postal","description":"Return a Canadian Postal code. Returned postal code is valid with respect to the Postal District (first character) and format only","properties":{}},{"name":"postcode","description":"Generate a random (U.K.) postcode. Returned postcode is valid with respect to the Postcode Area (first characters) and format only","properties":{}},{"name":"province","description":"Return a random province","properties":{"full":{"type":"boolean"},"country":{"type":"string","values":["ca","it"]}}},{"name":"state","description":"Return a random state","properties":{"full":{"type":"boolean"},"territories":{"type":"boolean"},"armed_forces":{"type":"boolean"},"us_states_and_dc":{"type":"boolean"},"country":{"type":"string"}}},{"name":"street","description":"Return a random street","properties":{"short_suffix":{"type":"boolean"},"syllables":{"type":"integer"},"country":{"type":"string","values":["us","it"]}}},{"name":"zip","description":"Generate a random (U.S.) zip code","properties":{"plusfour":{"type":"boolean"}}},{"name":"ampm","description":"Return am or pm. Very simple","properties":{}},{"name":"date","description":"Generate a random date","properties":{"string":{"type":"boolean"},"american":{"type":"boolean"},"year":{"type":"integer"}}},{"name":"hammertime","description":"Generate a random hammertime","properties":{}},{"name":"hour","description":"Generate a random hour","properties":{"twentyfour":{"type":"boolean"}}},{"name":"millisecond","description":"Generate a random millisecond","properties":{}},{"name":"minute","description":"Generate a random minute","properties":{}},{"name":"month","description":"Generate a random month","properties":{"raw":{"type":"boolean"}}},{"name":"month","description":"Generate a random month","properties":{"raw":{"type":"boolean"}}},{"name":"second","description":"Generate a random second","properties":{}},{"name":"timestamp","description":"Generate a random timestamp. This is a standard Unix time, so a random number of secon...
curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'
To use this endpoint you must indicate a category in the parameter.
{"result":"Don Montgomery"}
curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'
Header | Description |
[Required] Should be Bearer access_key . See "Your API Access Key" above when you are subscribed. |
No long term commitments. One click upgrade/downgrade or cancellation. No questions asked.
Users must indicate a category of data to generate information about the identified category.
The Text Random Generator API provides users with a convenient way to obtain various random data sets in JSON format.
There are different plans to suit all tastes, including a free trial for a small number of requests, but your rate is limited to avoid abuse of the service.
Zyla provides a wide range of integration methods for almost all programming languages. You can use these codes to integrate with your project as you need.
The "GET Categories" endpoint returns an array of available data categories, each containing a name, description, and properties. For example, it includes categories like "bool" for random boolean values and "character" for random characters, along with their specific parameters.
Users can customize their requests by specifying a category parameter when calling the "GET Generate data" endpoint. Each category has unique properties that can be adjusted to tailor the generated data, such as setting ranges for numbers or defining character pools.
The response from the "GET Generate data" endpoint typically includes a "result" field, which contains the generated random data based on the specified category. This field provides the actual output that users can utilize in their applications.
The response data is structured in JSON format, making it easy to parse. Each endpoint returns a specific structure; for example, the "GET Categories" endpoint returns an array of objects, while the "GET Generate data" endpoint returns a single object with a "result" field.
The "GET Categories" endpoint provides information on various data types available for generation, including boolean values, characters, integers, floating-point numbers, and more. Each category includes a description and any relevant properties for customization.
Users can utilize the returned data by integrating it into their applications for testing, prototyping, or data visualization. For instance, they can use generated names for user profiles or random numbers for simulations, enhancing the realism and functionality of their projects.
Typical use cases include creating test data for software applications, generating mock data for user interfaces, producing sample datasets for data visualization, and developing randomized elements in games, all of which enhance development and testing processes.
The API generates random data based on predefined algorithms and parameters, ensuring consistency and reliability. While the data is synthetic, it is designed to mimic real-world scenarios, making it suitable for testing and development purposes.
Zyla API Hub is like a big store for APIs, where you can find thousands of them all in one place. We also offer dedicated support and real-time monitoring of all APIs. Once you sign up, you can pick and choose which APIs you want to use. Just remember, each API needs its own subscription. But if you subscribe to multiple ones, you'll use the same key for all of them, making things easier for you.
Prices are listed in USD (United States Dollar), EUR (Euro), CAD (Canadian Dollar), AUD (Australian Dollar), and GBP (British Pound). We accept all major debit and credit cards. Our payment system uses the latest security technology and is powered by Stripe, one of the worldβs most reliable payment companies. If you have any trouble paying by card, just contact us at [email protected]
Additionally, if you already have an active subscription in any of these currencies (USD, EUR, CAD, AUD, GBP), that currency will remain for subsequent subscriptions. You can change the currency at any time as long as you don't have any active subscriptions.
The local currency shown on the pricing page is based on the country of your IP address and is provided for reference only. The actual prices are in USD (United States Dollar). When you make a payment, the charge will appear on your card statement in USD, even if you see the equivalent amount in your local currency on our website. This means you cannot pay directly with your local currency.
Occasionally, a bank may decline the charge due to its fraud protection settings. We suggest reaching out to your bank initially to check if they are blocking our charges. Also, you can access the Billing Portal and change the card associated to make the payment. If these does not work and you need further assistance, please contact our team at [email protected]
Prices are determined by a recurring monthly or yearly subscription, depending on the chosen plan.
API calls are deducted from your plan based on successful requests. Each plan comes with a specific number of calls that you can make per month. Only successful calls, indicated by a Status 200 response, will be counted against your total. This ensures that failed or incomplete requests do not impact your monthly quota.
Zyla API Hub works on a recurring monthly subscription system. Your billing cycle will start the day you purchase one of the paid plans, and it will renew the same day of the next month. So be aware to cancel your subscription beforehand if you want to avoid future charges.
To upgrade your current subscription plan, simply go to the pricing page of the API and select the plan you want to upgrade to. The upgrade will be instant, allowing you to immediately enjoy the features of the new plan. Please note that any remaining calls from your previous plan will not be carried over to the new plan, so be aware of this when upgrading. You will be charged the full amount of the new plan.
To check how many API calls you have left for the current month, refer to the βX-Zyla-API-Calls-Monthly-Remainingβ field in the response header. For example, if your plan allows 1000 requests per month and you've used 100, this field in the response header will indicate 900 remaining calls.
To see the maximum number of API requests your plan allows, check the βX-Zyla-RateLimit-Limitβ response header. For instance, if your plan includes 1000 requests per month, this header will display 1000.
The βX-Zyla-RateLimit-Resetβ header shows the number of seconds until your rate limit resets. This tells you when your request count will start fresh. For example, if it displays 3600, it means 3600 seconds are left until the limit resets.
Yes, you can cancel your plan anytime by going to your account and selecting the cancellation option on the Billing page. Please note that upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations take effect immediately. Additionally, upon cancellation, you will no longer have access to the service, even if you have remaining calls left in your quota.
You can contact us through our chat channel to receive immediate assistance. We are always online from 8 am to 5 pm (EST). If you reach us after that time, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Additionally, you can contact us via email at [email protected]
To let you experience our APIs without any commitment, we offer a 7-day free trial that allows you to make API calls at no cost during this period. Please note that you can only use this trial once, so make sure to use it with the API that interests you the most. Most of our APIs provide a free trial, but some may not support it.
After 7 days, you will be charged the full amount for the plan you were subscribed to during the trial. Therefore, itβs important to cancel before the trial period ends. Refund requests for forgetting to cancel on time are not accepted.
When you subscribe to an API trial, you can make only 25% of the calls allowed by that plan. For example, if the API plan offers 1000 calls, you can make only 250 during the trial. To access the full number of calls offered by the plan, you will need to subscribe to the full plan.
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