Scuba Diving News API

This API allows developers to access news and articles related to scuba diving from multiple sources. This API provides real-time access to news on a variety of topics, including equipment, destinations, conservation, and more.

About the API:

The Scuba Diving News API is a powerful tool for developers and third-party providers who want to integrate real-time news and articles related to scuba diving into their applications or websites. This API allows users to retrieve scuba diving news from multiple sources, which makes it easier to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date news service.

The API is easy to use and provides access to a variety of news articles related to scuba diving, including equipment reviews, travel destinations, environmental conservation, and much more. The Scuba Diving News API is designed to deliver fast and accurate results, which makes it a valuable resource for those who are interested in the world of scuba diving.

The Scuba Diving News API provides a RESTful architecture, which means that developers can access the API using HTTP requests, and responses are returned in a format such as JSON. Developers can integrate the API into their applications or websites using a variety of programming languages, including Python, Java, and JavaScript.

One of the main benefits of the Scuba Diving News API is that it provides access to news from multiple sources, which makes it easier to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date news service. Users can customize their news feeds by selecting specific sources or topics, which makes it easier to stay informed about the latest news and trends in the world of scuba diving.

In summary, the Scuba Diving News API is a valuable tool for developers and third-party providers who want to provide real-time access to news and articles related to scuba diving. By integrating this API into their applications or websites, developers can provide their users with a comprehensive and up-to-date news service that is tailored to their interests.

What your API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

It will provide you with a JSON.

What are the most common uses cases of this API?

News Aggregator Websites: Websites that aggregate news from multiple sources can use the Scuba Diving News API to add scuba diving news to their site.

Scuba Diving Equipment Manufacturers: Manufacturers of scuba diving equipment can use the API to provide their customers with news on the latest equipment releases, as well as reviews and comparisons.

Scuba Diving Travel Companies: Travel companies that specialize in scuba diving destinations can use the API to provide their customers with news and articles about the latest and greatest scuba diving destinations.

Scuba Diving Training Organizations: Organizations that provide training and certification for scuba diving can use the API to provide their students with access to the latest news and articles related to scuba diving.

Scuba Diving Blogs and Websites: Scuba diving blogs and websites can use the API to provide their readers with access to a wider range of news and articles related to scuba diving.

Scuba Diving Social Media Accounts: Social media accounts that focus on scuba diving can use the API to provide their followers with access to the latest news and articles related to the sport.

Scuba Diving Magazines: Scuba diving magazines can use the API to supplement their content with news and articles from a wider range of sources.

Scuba Diving Forums: Forums for scuba divers can use the API to provide their users with access to the latest news and articles related to scuba diving.

Scuba Diving Podcasts: Podcasts that focus on scuba diving can use the API to provide their listeners with news and articles related to the latest trends and developments in the sport.

Scuba Diving Mobile Apps: Mobile apps for scuba divers can use the API to provide users with access to the latest news and articles related to scuba diving while on the go.

Are there any limitations to your plans?

Basic Plan: 2,500 API Calls.

Pro Plan: 5,000 API Calls.

Pro Plus Plan: 7,500 API Calls.

Elite Plan: 10,000 API Calls.

API Documentation


The Fetch Scuba Diving News endpoint is a specific API endpoint that enables users to retrieve the latest news articles related to scuba diving from multiple sources. This endpoint provides access to a wide range of news sources related to scuba diving and provides a convenient way to retrieve the latest articles in a single API call.


Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            [{"title":"Flood of cold-shocked turtles strand in UK","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"’80s bomb cleared from popular dive-site","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"Freedivers seal longest underwater kiss","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"Dive positive: Queensland coral boosts & an algae transformation","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"Does fewer shark bites mean fewer sharks?","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"Manta Trust releases next Socorro dates","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"‘Ordinary but special’: rare finds on protected wreck","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"Dive teams home in on native oysters","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"Private dive-team joins Bulley river search","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"New giant shipwreck – but who needs this one?","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"Instructor given community service order after CCR trainee’s death","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"Divers reveal 1495 shipwreck’s spicy secrets","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"There’s New Evidence That Fish Are Self-Aware","url":"","source":"scubadiving"},{"title":"Say Cheese! How to Orchestrate Stunning Fish Portraits","url":"","source":"scubadiving"},{"title":"Emerald in the Rough: Hidden Gems of Canada","url":"","source":"scubadiving"},{"title":"Diving with Braces or Invisalign? Here’s What You Should Know","url":"","source":"scubadiving"},{"title":"Shark-Diving Hot Spot Isla Guadalupe Permanently Closed","url":"","source":"scubadiving"},{"title":"Rose Huizenga Named \"Sea Hero\" for Making Conservation Careers Accessible","url":"","source":"scubadiving"},{"title":"A Guide to Choosing Lenses for Your Underwater Camera","url":"","source":"scubadiving"},{"title":"Stay & Dive In Mexico & The Dominican Republic! Every 6th Diver Stays & Dives Free, And More!","url":"","source":"scubadiving"},{"title":"Dive & Dig II Episode 5, 8,000 years under the sea","url":"","source":"divemagazine"},{"title":"Rescued Thai youth footballer dies in UK","url":"","source":"divemagazine"},{"title":"Fiji no longer requires Covid-19 vaccine for travel","url":"","source":"divemagazine"},{"title":"Underwater Photographer of the Year 2023 winners announced","url":"","source":"divemagazine"},{"title":"Longest underwater kiss world record broken","url":"","source":"divemagazine"},{"title":"UK turtle strandings on the rise this winter","url":"","source":"divemagazine"},{"title":"British shipwreck Josephine Willis gains Historic England protections","url":"","source":"divemagazine"},{"title":"Dive & Dig II Episode 4, Istanbul’s Harbour of Life","url":"","source":"divemagazine"},{"title":"Celebrating 80 years of Jacques Cousteau’s favourite dive sites","url":"","source":"divemagazine"},{"title":"DIVE Magazine Winter 2023","url":"","source":"divemagazine"},{"title":"Dive instructor sentenced over rebreather student death","url":"","source":"divemagazine"},{"title":"Why Isla Guadalupe needs shark tourism","url":"","source":"divemagazine"},{"title":"Golden Ticket Raffle for a week-long Dive Trip leads into 19th Annual Dive Pirates Ball","url":"","source":"thescubanews"},{"title":"Technical Diving Instructor Sentenced Following Diver Death","url":"","source":"thescubanews"},{"title":"Deptherapy To Complete Mission with Groundbreaking IDP","url":"","source":"thescubanews"},{"title":"Inland Ocean Ambassadors Training – Application Process Now Open","url":"","source":"thescubanews"},{"title":"Diveheart Award-Winning Documentary Receives 9th Award","url":"","source":"thescubanews"},{"title":"Meet Tracy Carroll – Adaptive Diver with ALS","url":"","source":"thescubanews"},{"title":"Shark Trust Calls for Global Shark Citizen Scientists","url":"","source":"thescubanews"},{"title":"New Bursary Opportunity for Programs at the Maritime Museum of BC","url":"","source":"thescubanews"},{"title":"Argonaut – The Boat From “Sea Hunt” Starring Lloyd Bridges To Appear At The Long Beach Scuba Show","url":"","source":"thescubanews"},{"title":"Introducing Jelly-Smack: Treatment for Jellyfish Stings","url":"","source":"thescubanews"},{"title":"Why closing Guadalupe Island puts sharks at risk – but it’s not too late to stop it in 2023","url":"","source":"scubatravel"},{"title":"The Wonderful World of Christmas Tree Worms","url":"","source":"scubatravel"},{"title":"Northern Red Sea reefs resist bleaching","url":"","source":"scubatravel"},{"title":"Why a Boring Sponge is definitely not boring","url":"","source":"scubatravel"},{"title":"Where are all the manta rays?","url":"","source":"scubatravel"},{"title":"Northern Red Sea reefs resist bleaching","url":"","source":"scubatravel"},{"title":"Why I’m crying over spilt milk","url":"","source":"scubatravel"},{"title":"The Most (& Least) Biodiverse Countries ","url":"","source":"scubatravel"},{"title":"What you might not know about Chinese environmental policy","url":"","source":"scubatravel"},{"title":"Microplastics found in 75% of fish we eat","url":"","source":"scubatravel"},{"title":"The Essentials of Polar Diving: What You Need To Know","url":"","source":"scubatravel"},{"title":"Three superb dive spots in March","url":"","source":"scubatravel"},{"title":"Why closing Guadalupe Island puts sharks at risk – but it’s not too late to stop it in 2023","url":"htt...

Fetch Scuba Diving News - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


The Fetch Scuba Diving News By Source endpoint is a specific API endpoint that allows users to fetch scuba diving news from a particular news source. Users can specify the source they are interested in, such as a particular news website, and retrieve the latest scuba diving news published by that source. 

Required Parameter: source

Example: divernet


Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            [{"title":"Mills death lawsuit settled – but will criminal case follow?","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"Flood of cold-shocked turtles strand in UK","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"’80s bomb cleared from popular dive-site","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"Freedivers seal longest underwater kiss","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"Dive positive: Queensland coral boosts & an algae transformation","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"Does fewer shark bites mean fewer sharks?","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"Manta Trust releases next Socorro dates","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"‘Ordinary but special’: rare finds on protected wreck","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"Dive teams home in on native oysters","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"Private dive-team joins Bulley river search","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"New giant shipwreck – but who needs this one?","url":"","source":"divernet"},{"title":"Instructor given community service order after CCR trainee’s death","url":"","source":"divernet"}]

Fetch Scuba Diving News By Source - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


API Access Key & Authentication

After signing up, every developer is assigned a personal API access key, a unique combination of letters and digits provided to access to our API endpoint. To authenticate with the Scuba Diving News API REST API, simply include your bearer token in the Authorization header.
Header Description
Authorization [Required] Should be Bearer access_key. See "Your API Access Key" above when you are subscribed.

Simple Transparent Pricing

No long term commitments. One click upgrade/downgrade or cancellation. No questions asked.

🚀 Enterprise

Starts at
$ 10,000/Year

  • Custom Volume
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Service-level agreement (SLA)

Customer favorite features

  • ✔︎ Only Pay for Successful Requests
  • ✔︎ Free 7-Day Trial
  • ✔︎ Multi-Language Support
  • ✔︎ One API Key, All APIs.
  • ✔︎ Intuitive Dashboard
  • ✔︎ Comprehensive Error Handling
  • ✔︎ Developer-Friendly Docs
  • ✔︎ Postman Integration
  • ✔︎ Secure HTTPS Connections
  • ✔︎ Reliable Uptime

Zyla API Hub is like a big store for APIs, where you can find thousands of them all in one place. We also offer dedicated support and real-time monitoring of all APIs. Once you sign up, you can pick and choose which APIs you want to use. Just remember, each API needs its own subscription. But if you subscribe to multiple ones, you'll use the same key for all of them, making things easier for you.

Prices are listed in USD (United States Dollar), EUR (Euro), CAD (Canadian Dollar), AUD (Australian Dollar), and GBP (British Pound). We accept all major debit and credit cards. Our payment system uses the latest security technology and is powered by Stripe, one of the world’s most reliable payment companies. If you have any trouble paying by card, just contact us at [email protected]

Additionally, if you already have an active subscription in any of these currencies (USD, EUR, CAD, AUD, GBP), that currency will remain for subsequent subscriptions. You can change the currency at any time as long as you don't have any active subscriptions.

The local currency shown on the pricing page is based on the country of your IP address and is provided for reference only. The actual prices are in USD (United States Dollar). When you make a payment, the charge will appear on your card statement in USD, even if you see the equivalent amount in your local currency on our website. This means you cannot pay directly with your local currency.

Occasionally, a bank may decline the charge due to its fraud protection settings. We suggest reaching out to your bank initially to check if they are blocking our charges. Also, you can access the Billing Portal and change the card associated to make the payment. If these does not work and you need further assistance, please contact our team at [email protected]

Prices are determined by a recurring monthly or yearly subscription, depending on the chosen plan.

API calls are deducted from your plan based on successful requests. Each plan comes with a specific number of calls that you can make per month. Only successful calls, indicated by a Status 200 response, will be counted against your total. This ensures that failed or incomplete requests do not impact your monthly quota.

Zyla API Hub works on a recurring monthly subscription system. Your billing cycle will start the day you purchase one of the paid plans, and it will renew the same day of the next month. So be aware to cancel your subscription beforehand if you want to avoid future charges.

To upgrade your current subscription plan, simply go to the pricing page of the API and select the plan you want to upgrade to. The upgrade will be instant, allowing you to immediately enjoy the features of the new plan. Please note that any remaining calls from your previous plan will not be carried over to the new plan, so be aware of this when upgrading. You will be charged the full amount of the new plan.

To check how many API calls you have left for the current month, look at the ‘X-Zyla-API-Calls-Monthly-Remaining’ header. For example, if your plan allows 1000 requests per month and you've used 100, this header will show 900.

To see the maximum number of API requests your plan allows, check the ‘X-Zyla-RateLimit-Limit’ header. For instance, if your plan includes 1000 requests per month, this header will display 1000.

The ‘X-Zyla-RateLimit-Reset’ header shows the number of seconds until your rate limit resets. This tells you when your request count will start fresh. For example, if it displays 3600, it means 3600 seconds are left until the limit resets.

Yes, you can cancel your plan anytime by going to your account and selecting the cancellation option on the Billing page. Please note that upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations take effect immediately. Additionally, upon cancellation, you will no longer have access to the service, even if you have remaining calls left in your quota.

You can contact us through our chat channel to receive immediate assistance. We are always online from 8 am to 5 pm (EST). If you reach us after that time, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Additionally, you can contact us via email at [email protected]

To let you experience our APIs without any commitment, we offer a 7-day free trial that allows you to make API calls at no cost during this period. Please note that you can only use this trial once, so make sure to use it with the API that interests you the most. Most of our APIs provide a free trial, but some may not support it.

After 7 days, you will be charged the full amount for the plan you were subscribed to during the trial. Therefore, it’s important to cancel before the trial period ends. Refund requests for forgetting to cancel on time are not accepted.

When you subscribe to an API trial, you can make only 25% of the calls allowed by that plan. For example, if the API plan offers 1000 calls, you can make only 250 during the trial. To access the full number of calls offered by the plan, you will need to subscribe to the full plan.

 Service Level
 Response Time


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