MAC Address Decoder API

MAC Address Decoder API

Unlock the secrets of MAC addresses with our MAC Address Decoder API! Delve into the world of hardware manufacturer discovery by simply inputting a MAC address. Instantly reveal the manufacturer's postal address, unraveling the origin of your devices with a single API call. Unleash the power of information at your fingertips!

API description

About the API: 

Introducing the MAC Address Decoder API, a powerful tool that unravels the mysteries behind MAC addresses with unparalleled precision and ease. This comprehensive API provides an extensive MAC address lookup service, enabling users to gain valuable insights into the hardware manufacturer and the postal address associated with a specific MAC address.

In the world of networking, MAC addresses play a vital role in uniquely identifying network devices. However, understanding the origins and manufacturers behind these addresses can be a daunting task. With the MAC Address Decoder API, this process becomes seamless and efficient.

Users can simply make a request to the API, inputting the MAC address they wish to decode. The API then swiftly performs a deep dive into its vast database, cross-referencing the MAC address against a comprehensive collection of hardware manufacturer records.

Within moments, the API returns a wealth of critical information. Users receive the exact hardware manufacturer behind the given MAC address, including essential details like the company's name, address, and other pertinent information. Whether you're a network administrator, a security professional, or an individual curious about your devices' origins, the MAC Address Decoder API empowers you with the knowledge you seek.

This API serves as a valuable asset for a multitude of use cases. Network administrators can effortlessly identify and manage devices within their networks, ensuring optimal performance and security. Security analysts can leverage the API's capabilities to detect potential anomalies and unauthorized devices, enhancing network protection.

Moreover, businesses can integrate the MAC Address Decoder API into their systems to streamline supply chain management. By correlating MAC addresses with manufacturers' postal addresses, organizations can efficiently track and manage inventory, facilitating smoother operations and reducing logistical complexities.

Developers can seamlessly integrate the API into their applications, platforms, and software solutions, enhancing their capabilities with detailed hardware information. The API's user-friendly design, extensive documentation, and reliable performance ensure a smooth integration process for developers of all skill levels.

In conclusion, the MAC Address Decoder API unlocks the doors to invaluable insights, enabling users to explore the origins and manufacturers behind MAC addresses effortlessly. Experience the convenience of seamless MAC address lookup, elevate your network management, and delve into the realm of hardware identification with this comprehensive and powerful API.


What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

Insert the MAC address and receive information about the manufacturer. 


What are the most common uses cases of this API?

  1. Network Device Management: Network administrators can use the MAC Address Decoder API to efficiently manage and identify devices within their network. By decoding MAC addresses, they can keep track of connected devices, identify potential security threats, and ensure proper configuration and optimization of network resources.

  2. Security Analysis and Anomaly Detection: Security professionals can leverage the API to detect unauthorized or suspicious devices on a network. By cross-referencing MAC addresses against known hardware manufacturers, they can quickly identify anomalies and potential security breaches, enabling timely mitigation of security risks.

  3. Supply Chain Management: Businesses involved in the supply chain of network devices can integrate the API to streamline inventory management. By associating MAC addresses with their respective hardware manufacturers and postal addresses, organizations can effectively track and manage their device inventory, improving logistics and reducing inventory complexities.

  4. Device Registration and Authentication: Application developers can utilize the API to enhance device registration and authentication processes. By verifying the hardware manufacturer behind a device's MAC address, developers can ensure the legitimacy and integrity of connected devices, enhancing overall system security.

  5. Device Information Retrieval in Mobile Apps: Mobile applications focused on network diagnostics, IoT, or device management can integrate the API to provide users with detailed information about their connected devices. By decoding MAC addresses, users can access essential details about their devices' manufacturers and easily troubleshoot network-related issues.


Are there any limitations to your plans?

Besides the number of API calls, there is no other limitation

API Documentation


Enter MAC Address (string) to find the manufacturer. MAC Formats Allowed: ('xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx', 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx', 'xxxx.xxxx.xxxx', 'xxxxxxxxxxxx')



mac: example 14-AB-C5-D5-DA-F9


Test Endpoint


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            {"message":"Data Found","data":{"0":{"MAC OUI Number":"14ABC5","Vendor Manufacturer":"Intel Corporate","Vendor Address":"Lot 8, Jalan Hi-Tech 2/3 Kulim Kedah MY 09000 "}}}

Get Information - CODE SNIPPETS

curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' 


API Access Key & Authentication

After signing up, every developer is assigned a personal API access key, a unique combination of letters and digits provided to access to our API endpoint. To authenticate with the MAC Address Decoder API REST API, simply include your bearer token in the Authorization header.


Header Description
Authorization [Required] Should be Bearer access_key. See "Your API Access Key" above when you are subscribed.

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  • ✔︎ One API Key, All APIs.
  • ✔︎ Intuitive Dashboard
  • ✔︎ Comprehensive Error Handling
  • ✔︎ Developer-Friendly Docs
  • ✔︎ Postman Integration
  • ✔︎ Secure HTTPS Connections
  • ✔︎ Reliable Uptime

The MAC Address Decoder API is a powerful and technical application programming interface (API) that allows users to look up and decode MAC addresses. It provides detailed information about the hardware manufacturer and the postal address associated with a specific MAC address.

Accessing the API is straightforward. Developers can make HTTP requests to the API's specified endpoints using standard web protocols. Authentication credentials, such as API keys, may be required to ensure secure access to the API's functionalities.

When a MAC address is decoded using the API, it returns information about the hardware manufacturer behind the MAC address. This includes the manufacturer's name, associated postal address, and any additional metadata available.

The API typically uses a pre-existing and extensive database of MAC addresses and their corresponding hardware manufacturers. While the database may be regularly updated, the API's response is based on the information available at the time of the request.

Yes, the API is designed to be highly versatile and can be seamlessly integrated into various platforms, including mobile applications, websites, and software solutions. Developers can utilize the API's endpoints to enhance their applications with MAC address decoding capabilities.

Zyla API Hub is, in other words, an API MarketPlace. An all-in-one solution for your developing needs. You will be accessing our extended list of APIs with only your user. Also, you won't need to worry about storing API keys, only one API key for all our products is needed.

Prices are listed in USD. We accept all major debit and credit cards. Our payment system uses the latest security technology and is powered by Stripe, one of the world’s most reliable payment companies. If you have any trouble with paying by card, just contact us at [email protected]

Sometimes depending on the bank's fraud protection settings, a bank will decline the validation charge we make when we attempt to be sure a card is valid. We recommend first contacting your bank to see if they are blocking our charges. If more help is needed, please contact [email protected] and our team will investigate further

Prices are based on a recurring monthly subscription depending on the plan selected — plus overage fees applied when a developer exceeds a plan’s quota limits. In this example, you'll see the base plan amount as well as a quota limit of API requests. Be sure to notice the overage fee because you will be charged for each additional request.

Zyla API Hub works on a recurring monthly subscription system. Your billing cycle will start the day you purchase one of the paid plans, and it will renew the same day of the next month. So be aware to cancel your subscription beforehand if you want to avoid future charges.

Just go to the pricing page of that API and select the plan that you want to upgrade to. You will only be charged the full amount of that plan, but you will be enjoying the features that the plan offers right away.

Yes, absolutely. If you want to cancel your plan, simply go to your account and cancel on the Billing page. Upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations are immediate.

You can contact us through our chat channel to receive immediate assistance. We are always online from 9 am to 6 pm (GMT+1). If you reach us after that time, we will be in contact when we are back. Also you can contact us via email to [email protected]

 Service Level
 Response Time



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