The Content Scraping API is a transformative tool in the field of information extraction, offering users a simple way to extract valuable textual content directly from URLs. In an era dominated by the vastness of online information, this API serves as a crucial bridge, facilitating the extraction of relevant text for a myriad of applications, from content analysis and summarization to sentiment analysis and data mining.
In essence, the Content Scraping API employs advanced web scraping techniques to browse web pages, locate textual content and extract it in a structured format. Users can leverage this API to effortlessly incorporate web content extraction capabilities into their applications, automating the process of gathering valuable information from various sources on the Internet.
One of the main features of this API is its ability to handle a wide range of web content types, such as articles, blog posts, news, product descriptions, etc. By intelligently parsing HTML structures and filtering out non-essential elements, the API ensures that the extracted text is clean, relevant and ready for further parsing or integration into other applications.
Real-time API capabilities are especially valuable for applications that require immediate access to up-to-date information. Whether it's news aggregators searching for the latest articles, financial platforms tracking market trends, or research tools collecting current data, the API ensures that extracted text reflects the dynamic nature of online content.
Furthermore, in academic research and data science, the API serves as a valuable tool for collecting data from relevant web sources, allowing researchers and analysts to keep abreast of the latest developments and trends in their fields.
In conclusion, the Content Scraping API is an essential tool for applications seeking to extract valuable textual content from the vast landscape of the Internet. Its versatility and real-time capabilities make it an invaluable asset for developers and businesses looking to automate and improve their information retrieval processes, opening up a world of possibilities for content analysis, research and data-driven decision making.
It will receive parameters and provide you with a JSON.
News Aggregation Platforms: Automatically extract articles and news content from URLs for news aggregators to provide users with up-to-date information.
Content Summarization Tools: Integrate the API into content summarization tools to extract key information from articles and documents for concise summaries.
Market Research: Gather product descriptions and details from e-commerce websites for market research and competitive analysis.
Social Media Monitoring: Extract text from shared URLs on social media to analyze trends, sentiments, and discussions for social media monitoring tools.
Financial Analysis: Collect financial news and reports from URLs for financial analysis tools to stay informed about market trends and developments.
Basic Plan: 500 API Calls. 1 request per second.
Pro Plan: 1,000 API Calls. 1 request per second.
Pro Plus Plan: 2,000 API Calls. 1 request per second.
To use this endpoint you must indicate the URL of a domain in the parameter.
Extract text - Endpoint Features
Object | Description |
url |
[Required] |
"title": "Neust\u00e1le bojujete s chu\u0165ou na sladk\u00e9? D\u00f4vodov m\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 viacero",
"author": "Redakcia BeautyClub Dr Max",
"hostname": "",
"date": "2021-06-22",
"categories": "",
"tags": "",
"fingerprint": "7c969af7eaaf42bb",
"id": null,
"license": null,
"comments": "",
"raw_text": "Neust\u00e1le bojujete s chu\u0165ou na sladk\u00e9? D\u00f4vodov m\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 viacero 22. 6. 2021 \u00b7 5 min\u00fat na pre\u010d\u00edtanie Boli ste informovan\u00ed, \u017ee cukor tvor\u00ed a\u017e tretinu n\u00e1\u0161ho denn\u00e9ho kalorick\u00e9ho pr\u00edjmu? Ak neza\u017eijete de\u0148 bez sladkost\u00ed, chleba alebo cestov\u00edn, m\u00f4\u017ee to vies\u0165 k v\u00e1\u017enym probl\u00e9mom. Je d\u00f4le\u017eit\u00e9 spozna\u0165, \u010do presne va\u0161e telo potrebuje, aby ste sa vyhli potenci\u00e1lnym komplik\u00e1ci\u00e1m. Vedeli ste, \u017ee cukor tvor\u00ed a\u017e tretinu n\u00e1\u0161ho kalorick\u00e9ho pr\u00edjmu? Ak nepre\u017eijete de\u0148 bez sladkost\u00ed, chleba alebo cestov\u00edn, koledujete si o poriadny probl\u00e9m. Zistite, \u010do va\u0161e telo v skuto\u010dnosti potrebuje. Ak sa sna\u017e\u00edte \u017ei\u0165 zdravo, sledujete obsah svojho jed\u00e1lni\u010dka, dobre sp\u00edte a pravidelne sa h\u00fdbete, no napriek tomu v\u0161etk\u00e9mu sa neviete zbavi\u0165 \u201emlsn\u00e9ho\u201c jaz\u00fd\u010dka, mo\u017eno v\u00e1m chce va\u0161e telo nie\u010do nazna\u010di\u0165. Neodolate\u013en\u00e1 t\u00fa\u017eba po sladkostiach, sladen\u00fdch n\u00e1pojoch, ale aj chlebe, cestovin\u00e1ch \u010di tu\u010dn\u00fdch syroch m\u00f4\u017ee maskova\u0165 jeho snahu \u010do najr\u00fdchlej\u0161ie doplni\u0165 straten\u00e9 z\u00e1soby energie. V pr\u00edpade, \u017ee chcete predch\u00e1dza\u0165 z\u00e1chvatom vl\u010dieho hladu, mali by ste sa zamyslie\u0165, \u010do by mohlo by\u0165 jeho ozajstnou pr\u00ed\u010dinou. Pr\u00edli\u0161 tvrd\u00fd tr\u00e9ning Pustili ste sa do \u0161portu s nad\u0161en\u00edm a ve\u013ek\u00fdmi o\u010dak\u00e1vaniami? Mo\u017eno pr\u00e1ve n\u00e1ro\u010dn\u00e9 tr\u00e9ningy, po\u010das ktor\u00fdch sp\u00e1lite kopu energie, m\u00f4\u017eu za va\u0161u neovl\u00e1date\u013en\u00fa t\u00fa\u017ebu po sladkostiach. Ak si neviete predstavi\u0165 jedin\u00fd de\u0148 bez sladk\u00e9ho, pravdepodobne s vami m\u00e1va n\u00edzka hladina krvn\u00e9ho cukru. Va\u0161e telo potrebuje okam\u017eite doplni\u0165 z\u00e1soby a tak si ich p\u00fdta z najjednoduch\u0161\u00edch zdrojov. Tak\u00e9to stavy dobre poznaj\u00fa \u013eudia, ktor\u00ed v pr\u00e1ci za\u017e\u00edvaj\u00fa stres, pracuj\u00fa dlho do noci a svoj de\u0148 za\u010d\u00ednaj\u00fa k\u00e1vou \u010di sladen\u00fdmi kofe\u00ednov\u00fdmi n\u00e1pojmi. Ak si uvedom\u00edte, \u017ee cukor je palivo, ktor\u00e9 m\u00f4\u017eete doplni\u0165 r\u00f4znymi sp\u00f4sobmi a tie\u017e predch\u00e1dza\u0165 jeho \u00fapln\u00e9mu vy\u010derpaniu, zmizn\u00fa aj n\u00e1jazdy na chladni\u010dku. Ke\u010f nabud\u00face dostanete chu\u0165 na \u010dokol\u00e1du, dajte si rad\u0161ej celozrnn\u00e9 pe\u010divo, ry\u017eu alebo cestoviny a dopl\u0148te to kopou zeleniny. Vl\u00e1knina v nej obsiahnut\u00e1 v\u00e1m zapln\u00ed \u017eal\u00fadok na dlh\u0161\u00ed \u010das a pom\u00f4\u017ee v\u00e1m zbavi\u0165 sa nekontrolovate\u013en\u00fdch ch\u00fa\u0165ok. Dobre sprav\u00edte, aj ke\u010f siahnite po ovoc\u00ed. Va\u0161e telo si bude \u010derpa\u0165 energiu postupne a z\u00e1rove\u0148 sa vyhnete potravin\u00e1m, pln\u00fdm rafinovan\u00e9ho cukru, tuku a konzervantov. Cvi\u010denie tie\u017e pom\u00e1ha regulova\u0165 chute, preto\u017ee sa v\u00e1m po\u010das neho do krvi uvo\u013e\u0148uj\u00fa endorf\u00edny, ktor\u00e9 sa be\u017ene sp\u00e1jaj\u00fa pr\u00e1ve s rados\u0165ou z ma\u0161krtenia. Tak\u00fdto tr\u00e9ning v\u0161ak neb\u00fdva ve\u013emi intenz\u00edvny a v\u00e4\u010d\u0161inou ide o nieko\u013eko s\u00e9ri\u00ed s vlastnou v\u00e1hou tela, pri ktor\u00fdch sa jemne spot\u00edte, no nebudete sa c\u00edti\u0165 \u00faplne vy\u010derpane. Prim\u00e1lo bielkov\u00edn Naj\u010dastej\u0161ou chybou, ktorej sa aspo\u0148 raz v \u017eivote dopustil h\u00e1dam ka\u017ed\u00fd, je hladovanie. V presved\u010den\u00ed, \u017ee tak r\u00fdchlo a jednoducho schudneme ne\u017eelan\u00e9 kil\u00e1, zmen\u0161ujeme porcie alebo \u00faplne vynech\u00e1vame niektor\u00e9 jedl\u00e1. Na nedostatok paliva v\u0161ak telo automaticky zareaguje t\u00fdm, \u017ee za\u010dnete t\u00fa\u017ei\u0165 po sladkom. A ke\u010f si k\u00fasok doprajete, za chv\u00ed\u013eu je hlad nasp\u00e4\u0165 a vy sa dost\u00e1vate do za\u010darovan\u00e9ho kruhu hladovania a prejedania. Rie\u0161en\u00edm je zamera\u0165 sa na pravideln\u00e9 a vyv\u00e1\u017een\u00e9 jedenie v dostato\u010dnom mno\u017estve, kedy sa dostanete do bodu, \u017ee sa va\u0161e telo nebude musie\u0165 spolieha\u0165 na n\u00e1razov\u00e9 doplnenie z\u00e1sob. \u0160portovci dobre vedia, \u017ee chute na sladk\u00e9 a neust\u00e1ly hlad m\u00f4\u017ee sp\u00f4sobova\u0165 aj nedostatok bielkov\u00edn. Pr\u00e1ve tie s\u00fa v \u013eudskom tele z\u00e1kladn\u00fdm stavebn\u00fdm kame\u0148om, potrebn\u00fdm pre jeho spr\u00e1vne fungovanie. D\u00f4sledkom stravy, chudobnej na bielkoviny, je tie\u017e \u00fabytok svalovej hmoty a s \u0148ou spojen\u00e9 spomalenie baz\u00e1lneho metabolizmu. Doplni\u0165 ich m\u00f4\u017eete zo \u017eivo\u010d\u00ed\u0161nych zdrojov, ako s\u00fa vaj\u00ed\u010dka, syry, tvarohy, jogurty a m\u00e4so, ale tie\u017e pomocou strukov\u00edn, s\u00f3je, orechov, celozrnn\u00e9ho pe\u010diva a tofu. V kombin\u00e1cii so zdrav\u00fdmi tukmi v\u00e1m bielkoviny pom\u00f4\u017eu odola\u0165 sladk\u00fdm ch\u00fa\u0165kam. Hormon\u00e1lne a zdravotn\u00e9 zmeny \u017densk\u00e9 telo sa po\u010das mesiaca prirodzene men\u00ed, rovnako, ako sa menia aj jeho potreby. S\u00favis\u00ed to s hormon\u00e1lnym cyklom, ktor\u00fd dok\u00e1\u017ee akoko\u013evek pevn\u00e9 odhodlanie stravova\u0165 sa zdravo a bez cukru obr\u00e1ti\u0165 hore nohami. Mnoho \u017eien d\u00f4verne pozn\u00e1 stav, kedy by pre k\u00fasok \u010dokol\u00e1dy urobili doslova nemo\u017en\u00e9. Paradoxom je, \u017ee pr\u00e1ve prive\u013ea cukru predmen\u0161trua\u010dn\u00fd syndr\u00f3m zhor\u0161uje a spolu s n\u00edm kaz\u00ed aj \u010dist\u00fa ple\u0165 \u010di ploch\u00e9 bru\u0161ko. Odborn\u00edci preto odpor\u00fa\u010daj\u00fa v tomto obdob\u00ed v\u00fdrazne obmedzi\u0165 konzum\u00e1ciu sladk\u00e9ho a u\u017e\u00edva\u0165 vitam\u00edn B6 ka\u017ed\u00fd de\u0148. M\u00f4\u017eete sa tak vyhn\u00fa\u0165 v\u00fdrazn\u00fdm zmen\u00e1m n\u00e1lad a bolestiam hlavy. \u010eal\u0161\u00edm d\u00f4vodom, pre\u010do si va\u0161e telo odrazu p\u00fdta sladk\u00e9, m\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 menopauza. T\u00e1 sa t\u00fdka aj pomerne mlad\u00fdch \u017eien okolo 40tky a v\u00e4\u010d\u0161inou sa sp\u00e1ja s \u010fal\u0161\u00edmi syndr\u00f3mami, ako je dlhodob\u00e1 \u00fanava, n\u00e1valy tepla, boles\u0165ami hlavy a n\u00e1ladovos\u0165ou. Pokles horm\u00f3nov estrog\u00e9nu a progester\u00f3nu vedie k tomu, \u017ee va\u0161e bunky nereaguj\u00fa na inzul\u00edn rovnako. Pokia\u013e trp\u00edte stavmi, ako je zimomravos\u0165, z\u00e1pcha, zadr\u017eiavanie vody \u010di depres\u00edvne stavy, je na\u010dase necha\u0165 si skontrolova\u0165 \u0161t\u00edtnu \u017e\u013eazu a celkovo v\u00e1\u0161 zdravotn\u00fd stav, aby ste si mohla by\u0165 ist\u00e1, \u017ee za va\u0161e sladk\u00e9 chute m\u00f4\u017ee naozaj len ma\u0161krtn\u00fd jaz\u00fd\u010dek. Emocion\u00e1lne zajedanie Nutkav\u00e1 potreba konzumova\u0165 hlavne \u010dokol\u00e1du, a to v obrovsk\u00fdch mno\u017estv\u00e1ch, m\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 priamo spojen\u00e1 s va\u0161ou psychikou. V pr\u00edpade, \u017ee m\u00e1te m\u00e1lo seroton\u00ednu, va\u0161e telo si ho sna\u017e\u00ed dopria\u0165 takouto n\u00e1hradnou formou. \u010eal\u0161ou pr\u00ed\u010dinou m\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 nedostatok hor\u010d\u00edka \u2013 dopln\u00edte ho pridan\u00edm orechov, s\u00f3je alebo listovej zeleniny na v\u00e1\u0161 tanier. Niekedy stoj\u00ed za chu\u0165ou na sladk\u00e9 aj oby\u010dajn\u00fd n\u00e1vyk \u010di nuda. Ak ste si k\u00e1vu spojili s kol\u00e1\u010dikom, ve\u010dern\u00e9 pozeranie telev\u00edzora s vyjedan\u00edm sladk\u00fdch ma\u0161k\u0155t a nede\u013ea bez poriadnej d\u00e1vky cukru pre v\u00e1s azda ani nebola nede\u013eou, mali by ste sa zamyslie\u0165, pre\u010do je to tak. Podvedom\u00fd n\u00e1vyk \u201e\u010dosi si zobn\u00fa\u0165\u201c m\u00e1vaj\u00fa \u013eudia, ktor\u00ed s\u00fa doslova zavalen\u00ed pr\u00e1cou a nest\u00edhaj\u00fa venova\u0165 svoju pozornos\u0165 pr\u00edprave a pl\u00e1novaniu kvalitn\u00e9ho jedla, alebo sa naopak nudia. V pracovnom \u0161ufl\u00edku m\u00e1vaj\u00fa z\u00e1soby sladkost\u00ed od v\u00fdmyslu sveta a siahaj\u00fa po nich aj vo chv\u00ed\u013each, kedy ich netla\u010d\u00ed hlad ani chu\u0165. Jednoducho ma\u0161krtia zo zvyku. V tom pr\u00edpade odstr\u00e1\u0148te v\u0161etky z\u00e1soby z doh\u013eadu aj dosahu a sk\u00faste si vytvori\u0165 zdrav\u0161ie n\u00e1vyky, napr\u00edklad sa ka\u017ed\u00fa hodinu napi\u0165 vody a sledovanie filmu spoji\u0165 s chr\u00faman\u00edm mrkvy \u010di uhorky.",
"text": "Neust\u00e1le bojujete s chu\u0165ou na sladk\u00e9? D\u00f4vodov m\u00f4\u017ee by\u0165 viacero\n22. 6. 2021 \u00b7 5 min\u00fat na pre\u010d\u00edtanie\nBoli ste informovan\u00ed, \u017ee cukor tvor\u00ed a\u017e tretinu n\u00e1\u0161ho denn\u00e9ho kalorick\u00e9ho pr\u00edjmu? Ak neza\u017eijete de\u0148 bez sladkost\u00ed, chleba alebo cestov\u00edn, m\u00f4\u017ee to vies\u0165 k v\u00e1\u017enym probl\u00e9mom. Je d\u00f4le\u017eit\u00e9 spozna\u0165, \u010do presne va\u0161e telo potrebuje, aby ste sa vyhli potenci\u00e1lnym komplik\u00e1ci\u00e1m.\nVedeli ste, \u017ee cukor tvor\u00ed a\u017e tretinu n\u00e1...
curl --location --request GET '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'
Header | Description |
[Required] Should be Bearer access_key . See "Your API Access Key" above when you are subscribed. |
No long term commitments. One click upgrade/downgrade or cancellation. No questions asked.
To use this API, users must indicate the URL of a domain to extract the text.
The Content Scraping API is a service that allows users to automate the extraction of textual content from web pages using web scraping techniques.
There are different plans suits everyone including a free trial for small amount of requests, but itβs rate is limit to prevent abuse of the service.
Zyla provides a wide range of integration methods for almost all programming languages. You can use these codes to integrate with your project as you need.
The Extract text endpoint returns structured data including the title, author, publication date, and raw text content extracted from the specified URL. This allows users to access key information from web pages efficiently.
Key fields in the response include "title," "author," "date," "raw_text," and "hostname." These fields provide essential details about the content and its source, facilitating easy integration into applications.
The response data is organized in a JSON format, with each key representing a specific attribute of the extracted content. This structured format allows for straightforward parsing and utilization in various applications.
The Extract text endpoint provides information such as article titles, authors, publication dates, and the main textual content. This makes it suitable for applications like news aggregation and content analysis.
The primary parameter for the Extract text endpoint is the URL of the web page from which content is to be extracted. Users must provide a valid URL to retrieve the desired text data.
Users can utilize the returned data by integrating it into applications for content analysis, summarization, or sentiment analysis. The structured format allows for easy manipulation and display of relevant information.
The data is extracted from publicly accessible web pages across various domains. The API employs advanced scraping techniques to ensure comprehensive coverage of online content.
Data accuracy is maintained through intelligent parsing of HTML structures and filtering out non-essential elements. This ensures that only relevant and clean text is extracted for user applications.
Zyla API Hub is like a big store for APIs, where you can find thousands of them all in one place. We also offer dedicated support and real-time monitoring of all APIs. Once you sign up, you can pick and choose which APIs you want to use. Just remember, each API needs its own subscription. But if you subscribe to multiple ones, you'll use the same key for all of them, making things easier for you.
Prices are listed in USD (United States Dollar), EUR (Euro), CAD (Canadian Dollar), AUD (Australian Dollar), and GBP (British Pound). We accept all major debit and credit cards. Our payment system uses the latest security technology and is powered by Stripe, one of the worldβs most reliable payment companies. If you have any trouble paying by card, just contact us at [email protected]
Additionally, if you already have an active subscription in any of these currencies (USD, EUR, CAD, AUD, GBP), that currency will remain for subsequent subscriptions. You can change the currency at any time as long as you don't have any active subscriptions.
The local currency shown on the pricing page is based on the country of your IP address and is provided for reference only. The actual prices are in USD (United States Dollar). When you make a payment, the charge will appear on your card statement in USD, even if you see the equivalent amount in your local currency on our website. This means you cannot pay directly with your local currency.
Occasionally, a bank may decline the charge due to its fraud protection settings. We suggest reaching out to your bank initially to check if they are blocking our charges. Also, you can access the Billing Portal and change the card associated to make the payment. If these does not work and you need further assistance, please contact our team at [email protected]
Prices are determined by a recurring monthly or yearly subscription, depending on the chosen plan.
API calls are deducted from your plan based on successful requests. Each plan comes with a specific number of calls that you can make per month. Only successful calls, indicated by a Status 200 response, will be counted against your total. This ensures that failed or incomplete requests do not impact your monthly quota.
Zyla API Hub works on a recurring monthly subscription system. Your billing cycle will start the day you purchase one of the paid plans, and it will renew the same day of the next month. So be aware to cancel your subscription beforehand if you want to avoid future charges.
To upgrade your current subscription plan, simply go to the pricing page of the API and select the plan you want to upgrade to. The upgrade will be instant, allowing you to immediately enjoy the features of the new plan. Please note that any remaining calls from your previous plan will not be carried over to the new plan, so be aware of this when upgrading. You will be charged the full amount of the new plan.
To check how many API calls you have left for the current month, refer to the βX-Zyla-API-Calls-Monthly-Remainingβ field in the response header. For example, if your plan allows 1000 requests per month and you've used 100, this field in the response header will indicate 900 remaining calls.
To see the maximum number of API requests your plan allows, check the βX-Zyla-RateLimit-Limitβ response header. For instance, if your plan includes 1000 requests per month, this header will display 1000.
The βX-Zyla-RateLimit-Resetβ header shows the number of seconds until your rate limit resets. This tells you when your request count will start fresh. For example, if it displays 3600, it means 3600 seconds are left until the limit resets.
Yes, you can cancel your plan anytime by going to your account and selecting the cancellation option on the Billing page. Please note that upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations take effect immediately. Additionally, upon cancellation, you will no longer have access to the service, even if you have remaining calls left in your quota.
You can contact us through our chat channel to receive immediate assistance. We are always online from 8 am to 5 pm (EST). If you reach us after that time, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Additionally, you can contact us via email at [email protected]
To let you experience our APIs without any commitment, we offer a 7-day free trial that allows you to make API calls at no cost during this period. Please note that you can only use this trial once, so make sure to use it with the API that interests you the most. Most of our APIs provide a free trial, but some may not support it.
After 7 days, you will be charged the full amount for the plan you were subscribed to during the trial. Therefore, itβs important to cancel before the trial period ends. Refund requests for forgetting to cancel on time are not accepted.
When you subscribe to an API trial, you can make only 25% of the calls allowed by that plan. For example, if the API plan offers 1000 calls, you can make only 250 during the trial. To access the full number of calls offered by the plan, you will need to subscribe to the full plan.
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