Leveraging this API, users can gain valuable insights into keyword popularity, seasonality and regional variations, helping them make informed decisions in marketing, content creation and market research.
With the Localized Search Trends API, users can retrieve data on keyword search volumes. The API supports a wide range of regions, allowing users to explore keyword trends by country. This flexibility allows companies to understand the specific interests and preferences of their target audiences in different regions, enabling them to tailor their strategies accordingly.
One of the API's key features is its ability to provide real-time data. This ensures that users have access to the most up-to-date information, allowing them to respond quickly to emerging trends and adjust their marketing campaigns in a timely manner. By staying ahead of the curve, companies can optimize their content, ads and promotions to adapt to the changing interests and demands of their customers.
The API also provides historical data, allowing users to analyze trends over time. By examining past search volume and keyword popularity, companies can identify long-term patterns, seasonality and recurring trends. This historical perspective allows them to make accurate forecasts and develop strategies that take advantage of predictable trends.
In addition, the API provides information on queries and topics related to the searched keywords. This information helps companies identify complementary keywords, expand their content offerings and discover potential new markets or niches to explore. By understanding the broader context of keyword trends, companies can develop comprehensive content strategies that resonate with their target audience.
The API's geographic distribution feature allows users to gain detailed insight into keyword trends across regions. This information is invaluable for location-based marketing, optimizing regional campaigns and identifying potential expansion opportunities in untapped markets.
It will receive parameters and provide you with a JSON.
Market research: Companies can use the API to analyze keyword trends in different regions, which helps them understand the preferences and interests of local audiences. This data can inform market research and guide product development and marketing strategies.
SEO optimization: SEO professionals can use the API to identify keywords that are popular in specific regions and optimize their website content accordingly. By tailoring their SEO strategies to region-specific keywords, they can improve their website's visibility in local search results and attract targeted organic traffic.
Advertising campaigns: Advertisers can use the API to learn about keyword trends in different regions, allowing them to create targeted advertising campaigns. By aligning their ads with the most popular local keywords, they can increase the effectiveness and relevance of their campaigns, resulting in higher conversion rates.
Expansion planning: Companies planning to expand their operations into new regions can leverage the API to analyze keyword trends and identify potential market opportunities. By understanding the search behavior and preferences of different regions, they can make informed decisions about market entry strategies and target audience engagement.
Content creation: Content creators can leverage the API to identify region-specific keyword trends and create content that resonates with local audiences. By incorporating popular local keywords, they can improve the visibility and relevance of their content, leading to increased engagement and organic traffic.
Besides the number of API calls, there is no other limitation.
To use this endpoint all you have to do is insert in the parameters a date from 2023-05-16 onwards and a region.
Get Trends - Endpoint Features
Object | Description |
date |
[Required] |
geo |
[Required] |
[{"geo":"CO","date":"20230615","index":0,"formattedDate":"Thursday, June 15, 2023","image":"https://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSRMMNNuYLDxeQObF5O9eAaNl69x5mPVED4vCCBkx7XfuZIS-uwBMEMB1nVnPcc7q-lHqLZ9pKX","articles":[{"title":"Argentina vs. Australia en China: ¿a qué hora se juega y dónde ver ...","timeAgo":"15h ago","source":"CNN","image":{"newsUrl":"https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2023/06/14/argentina-vs-australia-china-a-que-hora-juega-y-donde-ver-scaloneta-orix/","source":"CNN","imageUrl":"https://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSRMMNNuYLDxeQObF5O9eAaNl69x5mPVED4vCCBkx7XfuZIS-uwBMEMB1nVnPcc7q-lHqLZ9pKX"},"url":"https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2023/06/14/argentina-vs-australia-china-a-que-hora-juega-y-donde-ver-scaloneta-orix/","snippet":"La Selección Argentina se prepara para enfrentar a Australia en el primer partido de la doble fecha FIFA, en su gira por Asia."},{"title":"Argentina vs. Australia EN VIVO vía TV Pública y Fútbol Libre ...","timeAgo":"1h ago","source":"Diario Depor","image":{"newsUrl":"https://depor.com/futbol-internacional/resto-del-mundo/argentina-vs-australia-en-vivo-link-de-minuto-a-minuto-gratis-via-futbol-libre-tv-tv-publica-y-tyc-sports-en-directo-online-por-internet-en-amistoso-fifa-con-lionel-messi-deportes-noticia/","source":"Diario Depor","imageUrl":"https://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRskdxUprvB7jfPfJJVqOu3w0lQuHsAAnCVsqVeXUFg_TPDWajbm6x0ZGRoYDGHjHNUv33zv7Fm"},"url":"https://depor.com/futbol-internacional/resto-del-mundo/argentina-vs-australia-en-vivo-link-de-minuto-a-minuto-gratis-via-futbol-libre-tv-tv-publica-y-tyc-sports-en-directo-online-por-internet-en-amistoso-fifa-con-lionel-messi-deportes-noticia/","snippet":"Desde el Workers' Stadium (Pekín), Argentina vs. Australia se miden EN VIVO y EN DIRECTO este jueves 15 de junio vía TV Pública y TyC Sports por amistoso ..."},{"title":"Argentina vs. Australia, en vivo: cómo ver online el amistoso ...","timeAgo":"3h ago","source":"canchallena.com","image":{"newsUrl":"https://www.lanacion.com.ar/deportes/canchallena/argentina-vs-australia-en-vivo-como-ver-online-el-amistoso-internacional-de-fecha-fifa-nid15062023/","source":"canchallena.com","imageUrl":"https://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRdTMjgJxQVAphjL5dOfXcaTnPiWWSzt5th12whBl8tuMmtTrJLz3lMmce1dOCBSv3VgxU4r4nW"},"url":"https://www.lanacion.com.ar/deportes/canchallena/argentina-vs-australia-en-vivo-como-ver-online-el-amistoso-internacional-de-fecha-fifa-nid15062023/","snippet":"El encuentro se disputa este jueves, desde las 9 (horario argentino), en el estadio de los Trabajadores de la ciudad de Pekín, en China - LA NACION."},{"title":"La formación confirmada de Selección Argentina vs. Australia, por ...","timeAgo":"1h ago","source":"TyC Sports","image":{"newsUrl":"https://www.tycsports.com/seleccion-argentina/la-formacion-de-la-seleccion-argentina-vs-australia-id517619.html","source":"TyC Sports","imageUrl":"https://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTAeS322MT-Iq9JDi9rBfaDt8qtj_sprM39JFZAv9BehXY4ZAFy71WMKdPnhF7xjAVcObc5QQHm"},"url":"https://www.tycsports.com/seleccion-argentina/la-formacion-de-la-seleccion-argentina-vs-australia-id517619.html","snippet":"Este jueves, desde las 9 horas y con Lionel Messi a la cabeza, Lionel Scaloni piensa poner un once -casi- de gala para enfrentar al seleccionado oceánico."},{"title":"Argentina vs Australia, amistoso EN VIVO: la Selección de Messi ...","timeAgo":"6h ago","source":"Clarín.com","image":{"newsUrl":"https://www.clarin.com/deportes/argentina-vs-australia-amistoso-internacional-pekin-messi-seleccion-vuelve-salir-cancha_0_5FXVvil8eE.html","source":"Clarín.com","imageUrl":"https://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTWK7fJ3fA7Qwlr86_E0iCZVPn4qJy31UyxfmAoe2i36WeaN-1_ujMLajQYZpn6jaW9NGiWqXYZ"},"url":"https://www.clarin.com/deportes/argentina-vs-australia-amistoso-internacional-pekin-messi-seleccion-vuelve-salir-cancha_0_5FXVvil8eE.html","snippet":"En el Estadio de los Trabajadores de Pekín, China, el equipo de Scaloni y Messi sale a la cancha en el primero de sus dos compromisos por la fecha FIFA."},{"title":"ARGENTINA vs. Australia, EN VIVO: el minuto a minuto del partido ...","timeAgo":"46m ago","source":"El Cronista","image":{"newsUrl":"https://www.cronista.com/deportes/argentina-vs-australia-en-vivo-toda-la-previa-y-el-minuto-a-minuto-del-partido-de-la-seleccion/","source":"El Cronista","imageUrl":"https://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT-u1OTPBdsGrq883ByXcRRfU8Xr21DYpuq4nGwDO4mDNOn3IpoeIn7W899eBgpjGX7Wcg0px8U"},"url":"https://www.cronista.com/deportes/argentina-vs-australia-en-vivo-toda-la-previa-y-el-minuto-a-minuto-del-partido-de-la-seleccion/","snippet":"La Selección disputa el primero de los dos amistosos que jugará en Asia, ante el rival que dejó en el camino en octavos de final del Mundial de Qatar 2022."},{"title":"Selección de Argentina vs. Selección de Australia, EN VIVO: minuto ...","timeAgo":"40m ago","source":"Gol Caracol","image":{"newsUrl":"https://gol.caracoltv.com/futbol-internacional/seleccion-de-argentina-vs-seleccion-de-australia-en-vivo-minuto-a-minuto-del-juego-de-fogueo-so35","source":"Gol Caracol","imageUrl":"https://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmjp_dND26FaOaW94jNbxL1BKnd3L-jdIijGtlOUmZx9z-RbXTIReXLV10SIRCNlRBtv58nkTL"},"url":"https://gol.caracoltv.com/futbol-internacional/seleccion-de-argentina-vs-seleccion-de-australia-en-vivo-minuto-a-minuto-del-juego-de-fogueo-so35","snippet":"Con Lionel Messi a la cabeza, la Selección de Argentina reaparece nuevamente en el ámbito internacional, al enfrentar a la Selección de Australia por juego ..."}]}]
curl --location --request GET 'https://zylalabs.com/api/2131/localized+search+trends+api/1924/get+trends?date=2023-06-12&geo=US' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'
To use this endpoint all you have to do is run the endpoint.
{"NL":"Netherlands","SE":"Sweden","CO":"Colombia","TW":"Taiwan","NO":"Norway","TH":"Thailand","NG":"Nigeria","NZ":"New Zealand","HK":"China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region","AU":"Australia","AT":"Austria","DE":"Germany","IT":"Italy","BE":"Belgium","UA":"Ukraine","TR":"Turkey","ZA":"South Africa","VN":"Viet Nam","US":"United States of America","RO":"Romania","CH":"Switzerland","SA":"Saudi Arabia","ES":"Spain","DK":"Denmark","CZ":"Czechia","JP":"Japan","AR":"Argentina","SG":"Singapore","BR":"Brazil","ID":"Indonesia","CL":"Chile","PT":"Portugal","PH":"Philippines","MY":"Malaysia","GB":"United Kingdom","RU":"Russian Federation","EG":"Egypt","FI":"Finland","CA":"Canada","GR":"Greece","PE":"Peru","IL":"Israel","IE":"Ireland","MX":"Mexico","KE":"Kenya","PL":"Poland","HU":"Hungary","FR":"France","KR":"Republic of Korea","IN":"India"}
curl --location --request GET 'https://zylalabs.com/api/2131/localized+search+trends+api/1925/get+regions' --header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'
Header | Description |
[Required] Should be Bearer access_key . See "Your API Access Key" above when you are subscribed. |
No long term commitments. One click upgrade/downgrade or cancellation. No questions asked.
Depending on your subscription plan, there may be limitations on the number of requests you can make. Please refer to the API documentation for more information.
A localized search trends API is an application programming interface that provides access to localized search trends data, allowing you to obtain information about the most popular search queries in the available countries.
Yes, the Localized Search Trends API allows you to specify the country and retrieve search trend data specific to that location.
Yes, it offers the possibility to perform a keyword search.
The API typically provides data on trending queries, titles, images, dates, fonts, snippet and more.
The "Get Trends" endpoint returns real-time and historical keyword trend data, including search volumes, related articles, and geographic information. Each response includes fields like geo, date, formattedDate, and articles with titles, snippets, and sources.
Key fields include "geo" (region code), "date" (trend date), "formattedDate" (human-readable date), and "articles" (related news articles with titles, snippets, and URLs). This structure helps users understand trends and context.
The response data is structured as a JSON array, where each object represents a trend for a specific date and region. Each object contains fields for geographic data, date information, and an array of related articles, making it easy to parse and analyze.
The "Get Trends" endpoint accepts parameters such as "date" (from 2023-05-16 onwards) and "region" (country code). Users can customize their requests by specifying these parameters to retrieve targeted trend data.
The "Get Regions" endpoint provides a list of supported regions with their corresponding country codes. This allows users to identify which regions they can query for trend data, facilitating targeted analysis.
Users can analyze the returned data to identify popular keywords, track seasonal trends, and inform marketing strategies. By examining related articles, they can also gain insights into current events that may influence search behavior.
The data is sourced from aggregated search queries across various platforms, ensuring a comprehensive view of keyword trends. This aggregation helps maintain accuracy and relevance in the trends reported.
Users should implement checks for empty or partial results in their applications. If results are empty, it may indicate no trends for the specified parameters, prompting users to adjust their queries or explore different regions or dates.
Zyla API Hub is like a big store for APIs, where you can find thousands of them all in one place. We also offer dedicated support and real-time monitoring of all APIs. Once you sign up, you can pick and choose which APIs you want to use. Just remember, each API needs its own subscription. But if you subscribe to multiple ones, you'll use the same key for all of them, making things easier for you.
Prices are listed in USD (United States Dollar), EUR (Euro), CAD (Canadian Dollar), AUD (Australian Dollar), and GBP (British Pound). We accept all major debit and credit cards. Our payment system uses the latest security technology and is powered by Stripe, one of the world’s most reliable payment companies. If you have any trouble paying by card, just contact us at [email protected]
Additionally, if you already have an active subscription in any of these currencies (USD, EUR, CAD, AUD, GBP), that currency will remain for subsequent subscriptions. You can change the currency at any time as long as you don't have any active subscriptions.
The local currency shown on the pricing page is based on the country of your IP address and is provided for reference only. The actual prices are in USD (United States Dollar). When you make a payment, the charge will appear on your card statement in USD, even if you see the equivalent amount in your local currency on our website. This means you cannot pay directly with your local currency.
Occasionally, a bank may decline the charge due to its fraud protection settings. We suggest reaching out to your bank initially to check if they are blocking our charges. Also, you can access the Billing Portal and change the card associated to make the payment. If these does not work and you need further assistance, please contact our team at [email protected]
Prices are determined by a recurring monthly or yearly subscription, depending on the chosen plan.
API calls are deducted from your plan based on successful requests. Each plan comes with a specific number of calls that you can make per month. Only successful calls, indicated by a Status 200 response, will be counted against your total. This ensures that failed or incomplete requests do not impact your monthly quota.
Zyla API Hub works on a recurring monthly subscription system. Your billing cycle will start the day you purchase one of the paid plans, and it will renew the same day of the next month. So be aware to cancel your subscription beforehand if you want to avoid future charges.
To upgrade your current subscription plan, simply go to the pricing page of the API and select the plan you want to upgrade to. The upgrade will be instant, allowing you to immediately enjoy the features of the new plan. Please note that any remaining calls from your previous plan will not be carried over to the new plan, so be aware of this when upgrading. You will be charged the full amount of the new plan.
To check how many API calls you have left for the current month, refer to the ‘X-Zyla-API-Calls-Monthly-Remaining’ field in the response header. For example, if your plan allows 1000 requests per month and you've used 100, this field in the response header will indicate 900 remaining calls.
To see the maximum number of API requests your plan allows, check the ‘X-Zyla-RateLimit-Limit’ response header. For instance, if your plan includes 1000 requests per month, this header will display 1000.
The ‘X-Zyla-RateLimit-Reset’ header shows the number of seconds until your rate limit resets. This tells you when your request count will start fresh. For example, if it displays 3600, it means 3600 seconds are left until the limit resets.
Yes, you can cancel your plan anytime by going to your account and selecting the cancellation option on the Billing page. Please note that upgrades, downgrades, and cancellations take effect immediately. Additionally, upon cancellation, you will no longer have access to the service, even if you have remaining calls left in your quota.
You can contact us through our chat channel to receive immediate assistance. We are always online from 8 am to 5 pm (EST). If you reach us after that time, we will get back to you as soon as possible. Additionally, you can contact us via email at [email protected]
To let you experience our APIs without any commitment, we offer a 7-day free trial that allows you to make API calls at no cost during this period. Please note that you can only use this trial once, so make sure to use it with the API that interests you the most. Most of our APIs provide a free trial, but some may not support it.
After 7 days, you will be charged the full amount for the plan you were subscribed to during the trial. Therefore, it’s important to cancel before the trial period ends. Refund requests for forgetting to cancel on time are not accepted.
When you subscribe to an API trial, you can make only 25% of the calls allowed by that plan. For example, if the API plan offers 1000 calls, you can make only 250 during the trial. To access the full number of calls offered by the plan, you will need to subscribe to the full plan.
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